SHOLTOYANU Ivan Andreevich



SHOLTOYANU Ivan Andreevich
Ion Moldovan SHOLTOYANU-star on the international level 
The main belief, will power, home and family. 
Date of birth: 05.10.1967 
– Master of sports of international class in the three types of single (Control pankration, Russian fight kickboxing). 
– Champion Airborne Troops of the USSR 1986-1988 
– Champion of the Soviet Union, 1990 
– Champion of Russia-to-hand combat 1991-1992 
– Champion of Europe (struggle pankration) 1996 
– World Championship (kickboxing) 2000 
– Champion of Moldova (mixfight – fighting without rules) 2007 
– World Champion 2007, among the professionals in muay-tai – by version WBF (World Budo Federation) 
ITS is particularly style. The way he moves, speaks, gestures – all this is striking. It seems that even in a crowd, he manages to stand out. And, it must be said, not without success. The artist with a truly Ion Moldovan name, he is constantly in demand for Russian films. And Sholtoyanu repeatedly – for more than two decades! – PSP ezhdal or become a winner at the championships of the Soviet Union, Moldova, Russian Federation, Europe and the world … In everyday life Ion Sholtoyanu most resembles the actor. Bright appearance, sociable personality, charisma, effervescent humor. In the eyes gleam naughty sparkle. Only a strong handshake so athletic build give it to the most legendary fighter, whose name is pronounced with respect for the fans of kickboxing and miksfayta worldwide. Ion Sholtoyanu Born in the village Ineshty Teleneshtskogo area in 1967. Youth and childhood were not for his simple and clear, like many other guys. The already rich family (Vanya was in one of four children) suffered permanent physical difficulties as well as in 14 years, Jon has lost his father – a future champion finally understood: in life you need to rely primarily on themselves. Easily managed with school science guy, but even then it manili sport and, as admitted in an interview the magazine «FEA», girl. In rural holidays, he managed repeatedly to try to force trynte (Moldovan national type of struggle) and once even won her the first prize – live sheep. After graduating from the eight classes of rural schools, not by year bright lad went to the Balti, informal «Northern capital» Moldova. By the day when Jon entered the 46 th vocational school, where trained welders future – a plan of action was formed. Along with lessons, he began training to defend the honor of the institution, and then a city on the numerous wrestling competitions. Mother, Maria Safronovna, helped both to Van. However, to buy sports uniforms and live feed in a large city – the guy had a penny loader. After numerous victories Sholtoyanu reached milestone candidate for Master of Sport and set a future goal – if we serve in the military, then certainly in the elite of the Air Troops (VDV). Put on the form and got to the place of permanent service in the CAP sukas (Baltic States), Jon has continued the series of victories in tournaments and championships. They won in those years champion VDV – listed among the professionals in the same weight as the title of world champion. Then, during the period of service, the fate of the image colleague taught indomitable Moldavian pleasant surprise: he met future wife Irina. Sister odnopolchanina accidentally go into the field of view of a young paratrooper, subdued his heart. Ira lived in a faraway from Moldavia Penza, but the distance of a thousand or two miles is not an obstacle for this men and true love. Served and achieved the post of foreman of the intelligence company – a career peak for the soldiers – Jon went to conquer the Russian space. Dedicated and extremely talented athlete has a still higher goal. He wanted to be first at all times and in all. So to his awards and titles added to the medal and the title of champion of the Soviet Union, the champion of Russia, Champion of Europe-to-hand combat. nagradamV 1994 Ion Sholtoyanu in search of new knowledge has gone far in Thailand. Vlek there exotic muay-tai (type martial art). Our hero was able to obtain permission to live and work in the Thai monastery, where the best masters of martial arts trained and taught titled inmates. More than a year dogged Sholtoyanu held in Bangkok, postigaya wisdom kickboxing, muay-Tai. It was only after the teacher-sensei found it really ready to fight at any level, Jon has returned to Russia with his family. As a native of Moldova Ion returned only in the late nineties. It really led that in the modern sports movie stars often find themselves still at gunpoint and television camera. Not immune to this and Sholtoyanu. In the film photogenic, with a fine physique, the guy liked the many well-known directors. «Sarmat», «Return of Titanic», «Achilles heel», «Gypsies», «male character» … – Here are constantly updated list of tapes in which our hero shot. Sports, atletichny, he playfully deals with the complex «fantasies» a variety of directors. Sholtoyanu attracts more experienced cinematographers and that battle scene with his involvement always look better than natural. Kaskaderskie tricks of any complexity Ion performs himself, fearlessly doing it, what other professionals do not dare. Perseverance, courage and innate talent of the artist are moldavian respect and sympathy on the part of movie stars and show business. Singers Michael Shufutinskij and Willy Tokarev, actors Dedyushko Alexander, Michael Burlakov, directors Guzun Igor, Igor Talpa – they are all happy to talk with the Ion, not only on the stage or the set, but also in everyday life: a call to each other from different continents of the planet, or even to find their precious time to stay with our famous compatriot. On the day of the anniversary (October 5 Sholtoyanu observed the fortieth) he has received congratulations from hundreds of people «named», among which the world champion in professional boxing supertyazheloves Sultan Ibragimov, prominent actors Eugene Sidikhin, Vladimir Maisuradze, Alexander Bashirov. Russian film director, told our correspondent on the start soon filming a movie An «Deliveries will take place in any weather». As a specially committed here will make a movie star Jon Sholtoyanu, whose list of heroes of the screen filled up yet another character – the commander of the anti-terrorist group. «Storyline touch yet will not, – said I. Guzun – but a secret is still open. When the script was created paintings, known as Colonel I originally saw Vanyu. Therefore, even the names of artist and kinogeroya almost match – Ion Sholtoyanu will play Colonel Sholtoyana ». Filming will take place in the blockbuster film studio «Makosh movie». But the chief of his achievements with Ion reads still family. «Mama mea, bunica mea, – with a warmth in his voice feedback on your Mom Moldovan film star to champion belts. – Mother, Mary Safronovna, our reliable rear, for myself, wife Irene and the kids »… Last name Sholtoyanu are proud daughter Larisa and son Andrew. «I try to give them all something that was very deprived childhood – the story continues caring father. – Andrew has been successfully involved in sport in Germany, having chosen a path in the hard and competitive world of the big tennis. Larissa will probably want to show the talent in the academic sphere: the same now She has won competitions at the school. From my side, children are greeted with encouragement and support. This applies more physical side. If you talk about education, – I am strict, restrained, sometimes harsh, but – true »… Sholtoyanu continues: «The memory has kept many memories of childhood. Once upon a time, when I was little, my grandfather, tired from work, packed afternoon catnap in such minutes careful grandmother taken from the yard, even chickens, that they do not violate the rest … Everyone should know their place. And in the family, except the rights and responsibilities should exist. It would be good to the laws of family built on love and mutual care, we were able to distribute and to society. Their children, I try to raise patriots, who believes in God, the responsible people who can well distinguish good from evil, the sincerity of falsehood ». I tell you this, the children not to blame, In life, you give the instruction. To appreciate you for the life of my lesson-I know, what was his father … (The lines of the song Jonas Sholtoyanu) Unbelievable but true – our champion has succeeded in another his hobby. With great surprise we learned that Jon writes music and performs songs on their own with the same quiet. This singer, he sings about and for those close to him. For poems and songs can be traced all of fortune Sholtoyanu, ups and downs, successes and failures, happy and sad moments. His songs are characterized by loyalty to the harsh truth of life, they come from the heart. And, probably, therefore, not being a professional singer, Jon manages to win the attention of a huge audience and the viewing audience. In recent times in the life of J. Sholtoyanu predominant bright band. Recently his numerous titles added another. He was elected President of the Federation miksfayta (fighting without rules) of the Republic of Moldova. Now this public structure is taking active steps to prepare for our group of professional fighters, able to act successfully in the international arena. Sholtoyanu combines «Presidential» function to the responsibilities of head coach. Well, as a credible consultant, and at the same time, Vice-President of the Federation supports the world\’s first magnitude star – a guest from the Hollywood movie actor, Larry Parker, who is also repeated world champion in miksfayte! And another important stroke: an honorary president of the same federation is a close friend Sholtoyanu – Leonid Volnyansky known entrepreneur and philanthropist, has not first year, giving a great deal of effort and funds the development of culture and sports under the Moldovan flag. Now, at the peak of the career and achievements, Ion Sholtoyanu has almost everything, as you can imagine. And although he lives permanently, of course, the capital of the native Ineshtah will never forget. Furthermore, the Ion uses any opportunity not to proud to tell interlocutor ancient legend about the origin of the name of the village Ineshty. So, about four centuries ago, a boyar tried in these places to grow a unique gimmick to Moldova and the Moldovan climate – flax. Boyar and flax disappeared, and the word INES (linen) is. It\’s just the name has gone Communities – Ineshty. But by ineshttsy most proud of their famous fellow countryman. An unusual gift presented Jonah villagers on the eve of its 40 th anniversary. With the support of an absolute majority of inhabitants, it was decided: to this autumn, the main street Inesht given the proud name of Jonah Sholtoyanu. Mayor Vasile Tsurkan tells how the idea to name a main street named one of the most outstanding fellow. The choice made quite democratically, at competitive rent and competitive: applicants – along with Sholtoyanu – were two more. Maya box, the only person in the modern Republic of Moldova, who defended his dissertation tion at the famous Sorbonne. And yet – the famous writer Boris Drutse. However, the choice is not without reason he fell on Sholtoyanu. And so the fifth of October, the day of birth of Jonah, in the village held a ceremony at which a priest, Bishop Anatol, sanctified and blessed the good beginning. Ineshty (Teleneshtsky district) look better than live pisno. Church, meet at the traveler hill, valley with flocks of sheep grazing peacefully, just behind the forest, river. The road to the village resembles alley, is framed by trees. Sholtoyanu not forget about the villagers. We need it to continue, as it happened in the past, work on the idea that patriotic unison with his fellow countrymen. Now Ion ennobles native village, asfaltiruya streets, to the security setting to «bumps» – before school, and City Hall. Know it Ineshtah everything and everyone, from small to large. School Zynaida Andoni, she studied and the Sholtoyanu, tells of his fellow with a kind smile, remembering the children\’s antics and mischief yesterday boys. «Not for years intelligent, very richly endowed by nature even to the nature of combat sport», – said admiringly of it neighbors. «Responsive, generous and magnanimous», – the portrait of the other villagers are complementary. «Noble and taking an active part in village life», – deservedly praises Athlete Vasile Tsurkan already familiar to us Inesht mayor. Yet, success and fame do not smb head Jonah. He explains: «I have always stood for justice. And now, when I\’m financially able to, support any good cause or endeavor. Always take part in the life of a living village. Help School, where he studied. In September 2008 is planned to hold an international festival – Tournament Mix Fait, which will be attended by soldiers from the CIS, Baltic States and Europe. After the tournament, the 10 th of May which was held in the Opera House, the club «Mix-Fight ELAT» applications received hundreds of young guys wanting to learn all the wisdom of the sport. No wonder our hero was honored with a large number of orders such as, «MERITUL-CIVIL» for merits in the promotion of sport and healthy lifestyles among young people, «Olympic Order». For the support which he renders the Orthodox Church, he was honored with two awards one of which «Sergey Radonezh» third degree, presented him with the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia Alexy II, the second prize «St Paisii» handed Vladyka Moldavsky Vladimir. The other day he was again exalted, sports agency signed a decree to the Order, the highest award for athletes in the Republic of Moldova, honored master of sports of international level. As a father, daughter Larissa is also trying to keep up with it multiple prizewinner school competitions in the English and Romanian languages. Son Andrew, who is currently in Germany in the city of Dusseldorf Marley, trained at the Academy is a great tennis and is a repeated champion of the republic on the sport. According to Jonah Sholtoyana, in recent years the fight has become a new sport a high level in relation to the emergence of different styles of combat and the different events held in the republic. My fight skills Ion brings «star pupils», which trains Ion Gheorghiu (European Champion) and Larry Parker (three times champion on fights without rules). Fight Club «Mix-Fight ELAT» already has 15 career soldiers бойцовского-growth, some of them have already won first place at the international level. In songs that are recorded Sholtoyanu sound of life events that we are constantly experiencing, it is worth noting that the record has already been 5 – songs. As is the main champion of the faith in God, then everything will be obtained. Association „FEA” Jonah wants to succeed in good beginnings and long life. We will be eagerly waiting for the appearance of his album. You can also see photos . 
Interview conducted correspondent „FEA”