Exclusive interview with Alexander Emelianenko


Exclusive interview with Alexander Emelianenko site valetudo.ru

VL: Alexander, congratulations to another victory, you are seriously
preparing for a battle with Magomedova, no shame, that all ended so

Aleksander Emelianenko (AE): Thank you. No, not pity. That victory – the
result of my training. I did clear guidelines coach. And even got into a
dangerous situation with Ibrahim Magomedova in the ring, I made two
attacks and inflicted two Ibrahim election, after which he was unable to
continue the battle. We would, of course, and continue longer with him
fight, but that\’s as possible. I am glad that I won in advance.

VL: Could Ibrahim continue to fight, or simply did not want to?

AE: No, he could not. He had a pretty severe injury. I saw him close and
I can say that the election was very serious. Immediately after the
battle it was taken to the hospital, and when he returned from the
hospital, we again shook hands and seemed to the eye injury he was

VL: You it would be interesting to conduct a match-rematch with Magomedova?

AE: I\’m ready to fight. For me, it does not matter where, with whom and when to fight.

VL: What are the plans for this year, fans want to see you in the major overseas tournaments, do not be disappointed?

AE: There is a clear and definite plans yet. Offers a lot. Today, for
example, talked with representatives from Korea: it is called to
participate in their tournaments. And so do a lot of proposals, there is
what to choose. I think that in June and July will go out to fight the
international arena. Where and with whom – so far just can not say.

VL: In an interview with the press, you said that are going to try
himself in professional boxing. What is the situation in this regard?

AE: Yes, this idea is relevant to this day. I think that in the boxing ring, and very soon I can try.

VL: What a heavyweight boxer, you would like to meet in the ring?

AE: I would like to fight with the best, with the strongest.

VL: What are their training sessions, you pay greater attention to the impact technology in a rack or a partner?

AE: I have a very diverse practice. For example, today I swim 60
25-meter pools. And before that even with a coach to play a little bit.
Well, a daily morning scamper, of course, unchanged.