Maxim Zaplitnyi is, first and foremost, a person. However, in the world of combat, he is Mad Max.

Maxim Zaplitnyi is, first and foremost, a person. However, in the world of combat, he is Mad Max. In Bulgaria, they even call me Iron Head. He is a soldier, a father, a husband, and a son.
If I had to choose, I would opt for a military profession and dedicate my entire life to it.
I believe that in another life, I was a wolf, probably the alpha leading the pack. I took care of my pack, conquering new territories to ensure its prosperity and a better life.
Superpower. I would choose regeneration, the ability for rapid recovery after battles, where muscles don’t ache, instilling greater fear in my opponents and enemies.
If I were to finish the sentence: Starting tomorrow, I would no longer… – I wouldn’t watch the news. Nowadays, it’s the smartest thing to do.
Two women are sitting at the market, arguing with each other. One says to the other, „Your daughter is a prostitute.” The other responds, „Are you crazy? I have a son.” „Well, now explain that to the whole market,” says the first woman.
FEA LEGACY! March 30 !
Ciorescu. Futsal Arena