Maxim Zaplitnii: „I feel excellent, and I’m very well-prepared. „

Maxim Zaplitnii:
I feel excellent, and I’m very well-prepared. I wish my opponents to be prepared too. It will be a war. All the guys are strong as well. I want to win this tournament. I watched the Ukrainian fighter’s interview. and I feel like we’ll meet, and it will be like Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
As for my tattoos, let me tell you about them. The skull symbolizes that I always thirst for battles. I always want to see the heads of my enemies, my opponents on my belt. I listen to very heavy music, I love skulls, crosses. All my tattoos are in this regard, I like it. It’s part of my character and life.
On my shoulder, there’s this beautiful girl with an upside-down cross. When I got this tattoo, I was still serving in the State Emergency Service (IGSU). I’m not a religious person, of course, but when I got it, many bad situations started avoiding me.
On my back, there’s this beautiful broken sword. It used to be whole, but given that there were many battles, I broke it against my enemies. But it’s always with me; it’s my symbol. It means I will never give up and will fight to my last breath.
Ladies and gentlemen, on September 23rd, watch, come, I’ll be glad to see everyone!
Mikhail Dobrovolschi:
Max is always ready at 100%, and these aren’t just words. He’s a very determined, strong-willed person. He has a tough job; many know that he works at FULGER. But in the evening, he comes and trains. We have two training sessions a day. There, he focuses on physical preparation, and here, on technique. He will have to prove himself doubly that he is the best. And he will prove it, believe me.