All the fans, all the followers of FEA Kickboxing project are waiting for Maxim Bolotov's return.I

„All the fans, all the followers of FEA Kickboxing project are waiting for Maxim Bolotov\’s return.I take the pleasure in announcing that Maxim Bolotov will take part in the upcoming tournament on the 7th of December.
We’re all waiting for Maxim’s return in the ring. And to see his famous dance moves”- declared FEA President, Dorin Damir.
„I hope you’ll see everything in all its glory.Everything will be done on a high level. Thus, I hope that this time I won’t let anyone down.I’ll go in with dignity. I will show a good fight. Especially since this is the end of the year. I must obtain good results.I am determined, but I can’t do anything without your support.
Therefore, I will do everything possible and impossible to entertain you with a spectacular battle and, naturally, a victoryTheoretically, I know the tactic; I know the key of how to approach such fighters.
It only remains to wait for the judgment day on December the 7th; I am all set and look forward to when this fight will happen.
Besides fighting, of course I have a favorite thing to do. What I like for the soul.I like to play music, mix, create my own thing. This way I move away from stressful moments.
When you’re working out, you put a lot of effort in and you need to relax a little.For me, relaxing is when I go to the studio, create something of my own, a melody plays in my head and I bring it to life.
I invite everyone to attend this event, but if someone doesn’t have the opportunity to come to the tournament, watch it live at of all, I want to thank the President, Igor Dodon, for the tremendous support.
I want to say a big thank you to all of those who support me. I will not fail you!!! Oh, you’re still here, there will be no dancing, there will be a fight!!!”- declared Maxim Bolotov.
„Yes, Maxim Bolotov is very well prepared. I think what will differentiate him from his previous bouts, it’s his great desire to fight.Now he practically resurrected, as you might say, as a fighter.He has a huge aspiration. About his dancing, this is his individual thing.
Yes, for good mood, almost certainly”- said the coach, Vlad Belinschi.
„These are indescribable emotions for a mother; every mom would understand me if their son enters the ring.The most important thing is that it all goes without injuries, this is crucial. He will figure out the rest in the ring.
It happens that I dictate him what to eat. And how to behave, because I, too, was a sportswoman when I was young, so I know the routine a little bit.Therefore, well, usually, I try to always be by his side one way or another. I always speak straightforwardly, I don’t try to sugar coat it. I say what I have to say and always criticize him.
For that reason, he is sometimes frustrated. Mom, what do you dislike this time? – he asks. I don’t like some aspects – I answer.Because what I tell you, no one else will.I want a spectacular fight and, most importantly, without injuries”- stated Maxim Bolotov’s mother.