The largest betting company PARI MATCH has opened a betting line for FEA KICKBOXING.

The largest betting company PARI MATCH has opened a betting line for FEA KICKBOXING. Hence, at the upcoming FEA WORLD GP ODESSA tournament, all the fans will have the opportunity to try their luck and win dividends. This indicates that FEA has already gained the attention of the biggest bookmakers, and received recognition as one of the top promotions, as well. And with each event it only grows its potential and, consequently, many strive to establish contacts, make friends and collaborate with FEA. This Saturday everyone will witness the most amazing tournament, FEA WORLD GP ODESSA, within which 2 championship belts will be put at stake, furthermore, many other spectacular and competitive fights will be held.
As for the venue, it will be filled with thrilling emotions, excitement and adrenaline. Come and support your favorite fighters, buy tickets at Tickets: