BREAKING NEWS !!!! The leadership of the Moldovan Federation WAK-1F resigned !!!

Today the new president of the Moldovan Federation WAK-1F was elected. Today in one of the capital\’s conference halls the meeting of the Moldovan Federation WAK-1F took place during which a new leadership was elected, as well as a new consultation.
The new president of the WAK-1F Moldovan Federation was Orheyan Oktavian, director of the LION club, Petkoglo Alexander and Stepan Kyrlig were elected as vice presidents. The main arbitrator was appointed Sukhan Julian.
It is noteworthy that Stepan Kyrlig has also been appointed secretary and head coach of the Moldovan Federation WAK-1F.
Recall that since 2012 the President of WAK-1F RM was Doreen Damir, and vice-presidents were Nikanor Trochin and Octavian Orheyanu. The main secretary was Andrei Grosu.
„We are 7 years old, the Federation at this stage as a child who is ready for school, we raised him, brought him up healthy, gave him his first life skills.” We can safely say that he is ready for his first steps in a new life.
Therefore, it was decided to leave the old leadership of the federation to resign and choose a new leadership from people who not only preserve, but also multiply those achievements that have been made up to this time, „said FEA President Dorin Damir.
„I am very pleased that we have all passed unanimously without quarrels and disputes, I am confident that in the future we will show all our skills to improve the image of the Moldovan Federation WAK-1F, so that our country is spoken far beyond its borders,” said WAK-1F vice-president Alexander Petkoglo.
„I feel great responsibility, I think that we will cope, and in the future everyone will be proud of our results,” said Vice President WAK-1F Stepan Kyrlig.
„We still have a lot of work to do and we will have to meet again in the new composition to discuss various issues, and I am confident that by the end of the year we will have a development plan for the new year 2019,” said WAK-1F Moldova president Octavian Orhejanu.
All the participants of the meeting voted unanimously for the new members. Very soon, namely, from 3rd to 6th October in Riga (Latvia) will host the World Championship WAK-1F. Our country will be represented by a delegation of 31 people.
Of which 26 athletes and 5 coaches. All fighters are representatives of clubs belonging to the Moldavian Federation WAK-1F.