Popovschi vs Muravitskiy. Welterweight bout on EAGLES IX. May 26, Manej Arena.


Влад Поповский проведет поединок против белоруса Эдурда Муравицкий!!!


Vlad Popovsky will fight against the Belarusian fighter Eduard Muravitsky!
We have a surprise waiting for us at EAGLES IX tournament; it’s about a Welterweight fight between Vlad Popovsky from Republic of Moldova and the representative of Belarus, Eduard Muravitsky.  Popovsky’s last bout was a rematch against Safronov, abroad, in Ukraine. Now his opponent is Muravitsky from Belarus. 
„I didn’t waste any time, I started to prepare in February already. I trained with the best fighters in the USA.  As for the fight with Safronov, I think that after my victory in his country, there are no more questions. I don’t choose my rivals. I can decline a fight if the opponent is weak. If the opponent is worthy, then I\’m always ready to fight” – stated Popovsky.
„May the 26th we will see Vlad Popovsky in the cage again, I am sure that the battle will be exceptional”- said Orheianu Octavian, president of LION Club.