Alexander Burduzha – I in an excellent form.

On April 9 is already close and all tension there are trainings and sparrings at fighters. Alexander Burduzha will oppose within the first part of the show KOK WORLD SERIES 2016 in Moldova in a duel with Czech Vasily Dutsar.
The duel will pass in category 95kg. In this weight of Burduzha feels perfectly and it is ready to prove on a ring in the forthcoming duel. The rival doesn\’t constitute for me danger and I think that I will cope with an objective Alexander declared.
The trainer Ivan Vivat declared that carries out good preparation with the fighter and places emphasis on hands that will surely yield the results. The second trainer Vladislav Belinsky noted in the statement that training of fighters is more profesional and specific than at fans and always demands special approach.
The president of club Lyon Orkheyan Octavian assured that result will be obligatory positive and all of us will be able to see good fight. And at the moment fighters are in ten-day collecting where trainings and sparrings will only be their task. Fighters will be deprived for this period of communication with girls and also Internet access.
The president of FEA Dorin Damir noted that for last year Alexander had eight duels and all outside the country, it is very good growth in his pit. Especially as Burduzha passed from fans into the pro quite recently. In more detail in videoclip.