KOK WORLD GP 2015 EAGLES SERIES in Moldova – results.

The small country in which there live champions with big heart. Quite so it is possible to characterize the Moldavian fighters who not simply struck public but also made unforgettable the last show KOK WORLD GP 2015 EAGLES SERIES in Moldova. Colourful duels, emotions and experiences, all this was present on the KOK tournament December 19 on the Manej Arena of Kishinev. It is safely possible to tell that all Moldavian fighters left prepared and loaded. Any of duels with participation of fighters from Moldova wasn\’t lost. It can speak only about one. Our fighters go a right way. And now more detailed about duels. The first part of a tournament with a broadcasting in Fight Box TV channel began with a duel of the fair sex between representatives of Ukraine and Moldova.
To be necessary to note as Anastasia Kulinich and Nadezhda Kantsyr were very well prepared. They acted very variously and tried to move a bowl of scales everyone in own favor, But Nadezhda after all pulled out the victory let and the separate decision.
In the second duel Andrey Danila and the representative of „Lion Club” Aurel Ignat met the Romanian fighter. Aurel should pay tribute. He was ready for 200% and on the first minute of the first round sent the rival to a knockout. Yes, friends, Aurel has a potential.
Very dynamically events in the third duel in which developed Pole Jacek Olkuski and Alexander Pepelitsa met. Alexander\’s training yielded the fruits in the form of very beautiful duel in which he became a winner.
In the fourth duel Between Denis Apovaloaye and Lithuanian Vademar Kulda fight was started as equals, but already at the end of the first round Apavaloaye\’s advantage which remained until the end of fight was felt. Denis\’s victory became a result.
The fifth duel passed by rules MMA in which Vlad Popovsky won with technical knockout in the first round on the second minute against the representative of Guinea Dukor Aboubakar. We congratulate Vlad on a record 11-0. The only Moldavian fighter of MMA with such record.
In the sixth duel met Andrey Ohotnik from Ukraine and Maxim Bolotov from Modova. The duel throughout three rounds went as equals therefore the extra round in which Bolotov having collected will was added, pulled out a victory at the Ukrainian.
In the seventh super fight of evening Alexander Surkov representing Russia and Pole Tomasz Kovalsky met. Fight very interesting. Fighters tease each other striking thus crushing blow. They arranged the real representation which very much gets public and the chief actor in it is Surkov. A duel result – Surkov wins with the separate decision 2:1
So last fight of the first part. To a ring there is already famous and fallen in love to public Stanislav Renitse against Moroccan Issam Laazibi. Issam possesses high growth by long hands and feet. Therefore tries to hold Renitse at a distance, but it doesn\’t rescue him from crushing blows of Stas. Result Renitse\’s victory unconditional decision 3:0.
On hours 22:00 also there comes time of the second part of the KOK WGP 2015 tournament and broadcasting per the Eurosport TV channel.
The first fight in the second part is a semi-final in category to 77 kg between the Dutch Michel Landvreugd and the fighter from Moldova Sergey Morar. A duel very intense, combinations of blows and pour from both parties. But Sergey after all proved better. And unconditionally wins the decision 3:0.
To 77kg between the representative of Estonia Roman Zybin and the Brazilian Rodrigo Ferreira passed the second semi-final for the champion\’s cup very tensely and both athletes showed extreme character and persistence. And the representative of Brazil pleased admirers with a somersault. However despite it but I lost the decision in favor of Zybin. So for a champion cup Sergey Morar and Roman Zybin will meet.
While finalists have a rest, time of a super duel in category to 71kg came and to a ring there is Andrey Leushtyan and Christian Dorel. Very bright fight. Despite loud statements of the representative of Romania Andrey Leushtyan which he made within a conference press, and he declared that a victory will be obligatory behind it, it appeared that in a ring fight goes to one gate to advantage Christian Dorel who it is sure wins.
In the following super duel on a ring Nouh Shahboune and Pavel Zhuravlev meet. The hall meets Zhuravlev by an applause. It real mountain and favourite of public. Fight simply tremendous, Shabun is successfully protected and even counterattacks. But after all experience and skill take up and the duel comes to the end at the end of the third round with a spectacular knockout performed by Zhuravlev. The hall Exults.
Our finalists have a rest and are ready to challenge the right for possession of the champion\’s cup to 77kg. And come Roman Zybin against Sergey Morar to a ring. A duel really worthy the final both athletes are adjusted only on a victory. Both battle as the real soldiers, but fight wins only against one. Also it is our Moldavian fighter Sergey Morar! Yes friends it is our fighter and we are proud of him.
But ahead the latest duel of evening. It is pyatiraundovy title fight for the right to wear the champion\’s belt in category to 85kg. And in it the defending champion Konstantin Tsutsu and the applicant number one – Igor Lyapin met. So long-awaited match revenge. Both fighters check the first two rounds each other. Everyone tries to reveal weakness of the rival, but then the real cabin begins. And Konstantin Tsutsu catches Lyapin who floats and falls in a knock-down, but during counting gets up and continues fight. Tsutsu goes for finishing, Lyapin seems just about the gong will fall and sounds. All with a dying down watch the events in a ring, at Lyapin as though the second wind opens and it goes to attack, but Konstantin skillfully leaves from blows and strikes the most powerful blows. Tsutsu\’s advantage on the person, he surely defended the rank of the champion having kept a belt in the country. Admirers exult.
Really unforgettable show, bright fights, surge in emotions and adrenaline. That – dear admirers we need to wait new гран at in the coming new 2016th year. We bring to your attention short results and the photo report.
1st Super Fight weight -51kg 3Rx3min EXTRA 1R KOK rules
(Ukraine) Kulinich Anastasia VS Nadejda Cantsir (Moldova)
Winner Nadejda Kantsir by points 2:1
2nd Super Fight weight -85kg 3Rx3min EXTRA 1R KOK rules
(Romania) Andrei Danila VS Aurel Ignat (Moldova)
Winner Aurel Ignat (Moldova) 1R 0:43 TKO
3rd Super Fight weight -71kg 3Rx3min EXTRA 1R KOK rules
(Poland) Jacek Olkuski VS Prepelita Alexandr (Moldova)
Winner Prepelita Alexandr (Moldova) by points 3:0
4th Super Fight weight -84kg 3Rx3min EXTRA 1R KOK rules
(Lithuania) Valdemar Kulda VS Denis Apavaloae (Moldova)
Winner Denis Apavaloae (Moldova) by points 3:0
5th Super Fight weight -75kg 2Rx5min EXTRA 1R MMA rules
(Guinea) Doukoure Aboubacar VS Vlad Popovsky(Moldova)
Winner Vlad Popovsky(Moldova) 1R 1:20 TKO
6th Super Fight weight +93kg 3Rx3min EXTRA 1R KOK rules
(Ukraine) Andrei Ohotnik VS Maxim Bolotov (Moldova)
Winner Maxim Bolotov (Moldova) By points Extra 1R
7th Super Fight weight -85kg 3Rx3min EXTRA 1R KOK rules
(Poland) Tomasz Kowalski VS Alexandr Surcov (Russia)
Winner Alexandr Surcov (Russia) by points 2:1
8th Super Fight weight -65kg 3Rx3min EXTRA 1R KOK rules
(Holland) Issam Laazibi VS Stanislav Renita (Moldova)
Winner Stanislav Renita (Moldova) by points 3:0
Results KOK WORLD GP 2015 Middleweight Tournament in Moldova live on EUROSPORT.
1st Semifinal fight weight -77kg 3Rx3min EXTRA 1R KOK rules
(Holland) Michel Landvreugd VS (Moldova) Serghei Morari
Winner Serghei Morari (Moldova) by points 3:0
2nd Semifinal fight weight -77kg 3Rx3min EXTRA 1R KOK rules
(Brazil)Rodrigo Ferreira VS Roman Zobin (Estonia)
Winner Roman Zobin (Estonia) by points 3:0
Super Fight weight -71kg 3Rx3min EXTRA 1R KOK rules
(Romania) Andrei Leustean VS Dorel Cristian (Moldova)
Winner Dorel Cristian (Moldova) by points 3:0
Super Fight weight +93kg 3Rx3min EXTRA 1R KOK rules
(Morocco) Nouh Chahboune VS Pavel Zhuravlev (Ukraine)
Winner Pavel Zhuravlev (Ukraine) 3R TKO 2:59
Final Fight weight -77kg 3Rx3min EXTRA 1R KOK rules
(Estonia) Roman Zobin VS Serghei Morari (Moldova)
Winner Serghei Morari (Moldova) by points 3:0
Serghei Morari KOK Welterweight Champion 2015
TITLE FIGHT weight -85kg 5Rx3min KOK rules
(Ukraine) Igor Lyapin VS Constantin Tutu (Moldova)
Winner Constantin Tutu (Moldova) by points 3:0
Constantin Tutu KOK Middleweight Champion 2015