Video and first photo from Press conference.

Today conference of final show КOK of the expiring year took place final a press.Today in \’Kodru\’ hotel there took place the press conference and weighing of fighters before the tomorrow\’s show KOK WGP 2015 in Moldova. Almost at all participants weight suitably of the declared category was made.
Some even had to sweat and take off from themselves all clothes. But rules are that. Therefore all participants should observe them. Fighters very emotionally answered questions, and duel of views by Tsutsu and Lyapin forced to become silent all hall.Beautiful fights were wished to all fighters by the president of FEA Dorin Damir and assured that tomorrow we will see the real show of combative skill. In more detail in videoclip. Video and first photo from Press conference. For preview click PHOTO
Some even had to sweat and take off from themselves all clothes. But rules are that. Therefore all participants should observe them. Fighters very emotionally answered questions, and duel of views by Tsutsu and Lyapin forced to become silent all hall.Beautiful fights were wished to all fighters by the president of FEA Dorin Damir and assured that tomorrow we will see the real show of combative skill. In more detail in videoclip. Video and first photo from Press conference. For preview click PHOTO