Imanly Tunzala – My life motto is "If you already started, go all the way"



Иманлы Тунзала. Мой девиз по жизни " Если уж начал, иди до конца".


–  Peace to all. My name is Imanly Tunzala.
– On EAGLES FC project I got through my manager, Kiril Medvedovsky.
– Donna Keli is a very worthy opponent to show a spectacular and good fight.
– MMA is not a feminine kind of sport, but my father raised a masculine character in me since I was a kid.
– So, I can always stand up for myself.
 – My life motto is „If you already started, go all the way.”
–       As I said, Donna Keli is a worthy opponent.
–       Donna, I wish you good luck. May the strongest win.