Intezar Babaniyazov against Dmitro Prydybaylo. The battle for the interim championship belt within MMA tournament, EAGLES 10.

Intezar Babaniyazov against Dmitro Prydybaylo. The battle for the interim championship belt within MMA tournament, EAGLES 10.
A life and death confrontation will transpire between Intizar and Dmitro. Both will strive to win this trophy. The representative of Ukraine, Dmitro Prydybaylo, has already experienced title fights in the past. He already fought for the absolute championship with Mihail Sirbu, at the fifth EAGLES tournament, held in 2017. At that time, he lost to Mihail subsiding into a choke maneuver.
For Intezar, this will be his third performance in the Moldavian cage. The first time he suffered a loss in front of Sirbu, in a super match, the second time he defeated the representative of Azerbaijan, Kenan Jafarli. Babaniyazov is younger and less experienced, but he possesses determination and character.
„About my opponent in the belt fight, I can say that I have a respectful attitude towards him, we\’re friends outside the cage, but as soon as its gate closes, you have to be a bit of a bully. In the future, I want a rematch with Sirbu” – said Intezar Babaniyazov.
Intezar Babaniyazov is native of Turkmenistan, lives and trains in Belarus. He is 22 years old, he spent 5 matches in which he scored 3 wins and suffered 2 defeats.
Dmytro Prydybaylo 22 years old, is the representative of Ukraine. He is a more experienced athlete, had 14 fights, 9 of which he won and lost 5 of them.
The interim championship title fight in the 61, 2 kg category will take place within the 10th EAGLES tournament in Chisinau, Manej Arena, on the 3rd of November. A total of 12 matches will be held during the evening.
„To be noted that earlier, the interim champion was Denis Palancica, but since he chose to perform in another organisation, he was stripped of the temporary title and the champion\’s belt, which, on November 3rd will go to the winner of the match Intezar Babaniyazov vs Dmitro Prydybaylo” – said President FEA and EAGLES FC founder Dorin Damir.