EAGLES VI Black & White part
EAGLES VI Black & White part
Close of the EAGLES VI tournament27.06.2017
Find yourself on EAGLES VI27.06.2017
Dmitry Aryshev vs Vasile Botnaru27.06.2017
Kirill Tropinin vs Mihail Sirbu27.06.2017
Vsevolod Tsirke vs Andrei Barbarosa27.06.2017
Ivan Eremenko vs Bogdan Barbu27.06.2017
Dmitry Berezin vs Gheorghe Ciobanu27.06.2017
Bogdan Zhmak vs Artur Goia27.06.2017
Yurii Gorbenko vs Alexander Romanov27.06.2017
Vlad Cucoara vs Gheorghe Lupu27.06.2017
Olena Bila vs Nadejda Cantir27.06.2017
Sultan Kalamahunov vs Oleg Craciun27.06.2017
Dumitru Bostan vs Roman Yatskov26.06.2017
Sergiu Otel vs Vasile Suprovici26.06.2017
Brand Wall photo EAGLES VI26.06.2017
Parade Russia vs Moldova23.06.2017
Weigh in — face to face presentation23.06.2017
Press conference EAGLES VI