FEA CHAMPIONSHIP 15.03.2025. Daniel Alexandru vs Maxim Zaplitnii !!!

Light heavyweight bout, K-1 Rules. (Romania) Daniel Alexandru vs Maxim Zaplitnii (Moldova).
Maxim Zaplitnii — On March 15th, I will fight a fighter from Romania, Daniel Alexandru. I am confident that the fight will be very bright, spectacular, and the audience will love it.
Daniel Alexandru — I am coming back after a 6-year break. Honestly, I really wanted to return, and an opponent like this gives me extra motivation. Knowing that I am facing a strong, experienced, and valuable opponent, I am training at the highest level.
FEA CHAMPIONSHIP 15.03.2025, Chisinau, Moldova, Ciorescu Futsal Arena.
Tickets afisha.md, Live feafights.tv