KOK 48 WORLD GP in MOLDOVA. September 30th Manej Arena.

KOK 48 WORLD GP 2017 in Moldova, September 30th. In this autumn’s show we will see Super fights involving Victor Apostol, Sevastian Alexandru, Andrei
Terentii, Dmitrii Sirbu. Vitalie Matei will try to get revenge from Denis Teleshman.
Main event of the evening – final four of light heavyweight division KOK. Voronin vs Hurduc, Ducar vs Danilencu.
Pavel Voronin was defeated by the Italian fighter Lucian Danilencu, but he had several successful fights afterwards and is now preparing for the September 30th bout.
Danut Hurduc was the finalist of the Final four in the up to 95kg category which was held in October 2016, on that occasion he won the semi-final against the Turkish fighter Gokhan Gedik but lost to Alexander Burduja.
Vasil Ducar is a real life meteor of KOK tournaments in Moldova. He twice met the champion Alexander Burduja and twice finished the fight ahead of schedule.
Lucian Danilencu is an assertive striker who has repeatedly demonstrated his skills.
Esma Hashass will also entertain us with her duel as she becomes more and more popular amongst the public. The bout between the experienced Denis Apavaloaie and the young fighter Constantin Rusu will be captivating as well. Denis needs a fight in order to fully return to the big ring, and Rusu wants to gain a foothold on the Moldavian fighting Olympus, especially since many would envy his results.
Long awaited are the fights involving Alexander Burduja and Mateusz Duszmal. After his triumph of becoming the winner of the Final four, Burduja was knocked out twice by Vasil Ducar. But he is ready to return and, who knows, it is quite possible we will see a new triumphant Alexander. His opponent, Mateusz Duszmal, an experienced fighter of the Light Heavyweight division will be more than a worthy competition.
We are waiting for fights involving young stars, such as Nicolai Caraus and Cristian Dorel. With their perseverance and skill they will pave their way to the top of fighting arts.
Maxim Bolotov is coming back!!! On September 30th he will have another fight and another test. Yes, he was knocked out by Colin George on the last show. But we must admire his endurance; he is ready to fight again no matter who his opponent is!!!
Don’t miss it, September the 30th, Moldova, Chisinau, Manege Arena, KOK!!! One night, one ring, one champion! Info line: 079406906. Additional info: www.fea.md
Tickets: afisha.md
Tickets for the event can be purchased online at the https://afisha.md and National Opera and Ballet MARIA BIESU.The address of the championship: athletic arena Moldova. Str. Andrew Doga 26. OPENIG 17:00. Telephone offices of the National Opera and Ballet Theatre: 0 22 24-51-04. Hours of operation: Tuesday to Sunday from 9:00 to 18:00 (off – Monday). Tickets for the VIP seats and parterres marked on the scheme can be ordered by calling 079 406 906.
Super Fight weight -74 kg 3min x 3R, extra 1R KOK rules
(Romania) Andrei Balici vs Victor Apostol (Moldova)
Winner Victor Apostol by unanimous decision
Super Fight weight -77 kg 3min x 3R, extra 1R KOK rules
(Romania) Maxim Pleshko vs Ion Ureche (Moldova)
Winner Maxim Pleshko by unanimous decision
Super Fight weight -78 kg 3min x 3R, extra 1R KOK rules
(Ukraine) Anton Kalitventev vs Sevastian Alexandru (Moldova)
Winner Anton Kalitventev by TKO, refuse 3R, 0:40
Super Fight weight -61 kg 3min x 3R, extra 1R KOK rules
(Romania) Leonard Morariu vs Gheorghe Lupu (Moldova)
Winner Gheorghe Lupu by unanimous decision
Super Fight weight -71 kg 3min x 3R, extra 1R KOK rules
(Moldova) Denis Teleshman vs Vitalie Matei (Moldova)
Winner Vitalie Matei by unanimous decision
Super Fight weight -62,5 kg 3min x 3R, extra 1R KOK rules
(Ukraine) Vladislav Korobeinikov vs Dmitri Sirbu (Moldova)
Winner Dmitri Sirbu by TKO, 2R, 1:28
Super Fight weight -78 kg 3min x 3R, extra 1R KOK rules
(Moldova) Constantin Rusu vs Denis Apavaloae (Moldova)
Winner Constantin Rusu by TKO, refuse after 3R
Super Fight weight +93kg 3min x 3R, extra 1R KOK rules
(Ukraine) Iurii Gorbenko vs Maxim Bolotov (Moldova)
Winner Maxim Bolotov by unanimous decision
Super Fight weight -95 kg 3min x 3R, extra 1R KOK rules
(Poland) Mateusz Duczmal vs Alexandru Burduja (Moldova)
Winner Alexandru Burduja by unanimous decision
Super Fight weight -73 kg 3min x 3R, extra 1R KOK rules
(Romania) Cristian Milea vs Dorel Cristian (Moldova)
Winner Dorel Cristian by judge decision
KOK 48 WORLD GRAND PRIX 2017 in Moldova
1 Semi Final Fight weight -95 kg 3min x 3R, extra 1R KOK rules
(Romania) Danut Hurduc vs Pavel Voronin (Moldova)
Winner Danut Hurduc by judge decision
2 Semi Final Fight weight -95 kg 3min x 3R, extra 1R KOK rules
(Romania) Lucian Danilencu vs Vasil Ducar (Czech Republic)
Winner Vasil Ducar by judge decision
Super Fight weight -85 kg 3min x 3R, extra 1R KOK rules
(Italy) Giuseppe De Domenico vs Nicolae Caraus (Moldova)
Winner Giuseppe De Domenico by KO, 2R, 1:38
Women`s super fight -51kg 3min x 3R, extra 1R KOK rules
(Ukraine) Liudmila Pilipceak vs Esma Hasshass (Holland)
Winner Esma Hasshass by judge decision
Super Fight weight +93kg 3min x 3R KOK rules
(Ukraine) Tsotne Rogava vs Colin George (Holland)
Winner Tsotne Rogava by unanimous judge decision
GP Final Fight weight -95 kg 3min x 3R, extra 1R KOK rules
(Romania) Danut Hurduc vs Vasil Ducar (Czech Republic)
Winner Vasil Ducar by judge decision, Extra round.