Sergiu Morozan vs Serghei Cheles – MMA fight in the up to 70.3 kg category – FEA CHAMPIONSHIP TAKE OFF!

Sergiu Morozan vs Serghei Cheles – MMA fight in the up to 70.3 kg category – FEA CHAMPIONSHIP TAKE OFF!
The MMA bout, Sergiu Morozan vs Serghei Cheles, both representatives of the Republic of Moldova, promises to be quite interesting. They are members of different MMA schools.
Sergiu Morozan, representative of the Thai Boxing club, trains under the guidance of Vladislav Belinschi. In his last FEA fight, which took place on September 17th 2022, he lost by a close call decision.
He also has 1 semi-pro win on his record. He is 19 years old, height: 182 cm, weight: 70.3 kg.
Serghei Cheles trains at the TOKON Estonia club, his record consists of 18 amateur fights, 14 wins and 4 losses. Thus, on April 8th he’ll have his professional debut. Aged 27, height 176cm, weight 70.3kg.
April 8, 2023, stay with us, don’t miss it! Ciorescu Futsal Arena, start 18-00. Tickets: box office of the National Opera and Ballet Theater “Maria Biesu”.
Online tickets: Live- only at Infoline: 079406906.
Sergiu Morozan. Country: Moldova. City: Chisinau. DOB: 06/13/2003 Age: 19. Height: 182cm. Weight: 70.3 kg. Gym: Thai Boxing Club. Coach: Vladislav Belinschi. Record: W-1, L-1, D-0.
Serghei Cheles. Country: Moldova. City: DOB: 05/12/1996. Age: 26 Height: 176cm. Weight: 70.3kg. Gym: Tokon Estonia. Coach: Record: W-0, L-0, D-0.