Pre-fight statements: Adrian Ciobanu and coach, Oleg Bespalcenco.

Pre-fight statements: Adrian Ciobanu and coach, Oleg Bespalcenco .
Adrian Ciobanu: “I am experiencing strange feelings since I came back after a few years. It’ll be an interesting match, I’m fully prepared and I’m in better shape than ever. I got ready for 13 years to start my professional career. I chose to start it now, because I reached a certain emotional and physical stability. To my opponent I wish nothing but success and I’d like to tell him that this will be the toughest fight of his career!”
Oleg Bespalcenco: “Adrian had some success in amateur fights but due to some factors he had to take a break. We sat down and talked, he’s young, healthy, ambitious, why not give it a shot. He accumulated more experience over the last 3 years and now I think he’s ready to take the pressure on a pro level. I think everything will turn out fine and in our favor.”
Don’t miss it! December 17th, Ciorescu Futsal Arena. Tickets: The box office of the National Opera and Ballet Theater Maria Biesu. Infoline: 079406906. Online tickets: Live: