Oleg Rusu vs. Mihail Catareu, lightweight bout MMA rules!!!

Oleg Rusu vs. Mihail Catareu, lightweight bout MMA rules!!!
Officially! The FEA CHAMPIONSHIP tournament will take place on November 30th!
As part of the fight evening, there will be a fight according to MMA rules in which Oleg Rusu will compete against Mihail Catareu
Oleg Rusu, 18 years old, height 181 cm, weight 69 kg, a student of the PADZIMELYA BOXING CLUB, a young, ambitious and purposeful fighter.
On November 30 he will have his debut fight in the FEA project. He has experience performing as a semi-professional, where he performed very well.
Mihai Catareu, 20 years old, height 172cm, weight 69kg, trains under the guidance of Vasile Zbarnea at the Samurai Fight Club.
As a pro, he had 1 win and 1 loss. Practices K-1 and MMA. Has very good dynamics and endurance. Don’t miss November 30, live: feafights.tv.
Oleg Rusu
City : Chisinau
AGE: 18
HEIGHT: 181 cm
WEIGHT :69 kg
Gym: Padzimelya Boxing Club
COACH: Dima White
Style: MMA
Pro debut
Mihail Catareu
City : Chisinau
HEIGHT: 172 cm
WEIGHT :69 kg
Gym: Samurai fight club
COACH: Zbirnea Vasile
Style: K-1, MMA
Fights: 2
Win: 1
Loss: 1