Nicolae Hantea vs Torgom Asatryan! MMA rules bout in the up to 65.8 kg category!

Nicolae Hantea vs Torgom Asatryan! MMA rules bout in the up to 65.8 kg category!
Within the FEA CHAMPIONSHIP tournament, which will be held on September 17th, as a part of the MMA RULES section, we hereby announce the fight between Nicolae Hantea, from the Republic of Moldova, and the Armenian representative, Torgom Asatryan. This upcoming confrontation is going to be spectacular, as both fighters are young and crave victories only!
Nicolae Hantea, in his last fight in Chisinau, within the EAGLES project, defeated Kirill Tropinin. His professional record consists of 6 wins with 2 losses. Nicolae conducts his training at Thai Boxing Club, under the supervision of Vladislav Belinschi. He is 22 years old, weighs 66kg, height- 176cm. To be noted that he’s one of the best Moldovan prospects in this category.
Torgom Asatryan is a little less experienced, he spent 3 professional fights, winning his last 2 bouts and losing 1. He’s 22 years old, weight- 66kg, height- 172cm. Torgom is set to win and ready to give his 100%. Furthermore, he trains alongside the reigning champion (EAGLES FC LIGHTWEIGHT CHAMPION), Martun Mezhlumyan. Therefore, he’s definitely going to come prepared.
Don’t miss out on this exciting fight! Dear friends, see you all on September the 17th, only at!