Nicolae Hantea has a new opponent! His new opponent is the Turkish fighter, Mehmet Tanirli!

Nicolae Hantea has a new opponent! His new opponent is the Turkish fighter, Mehmet Tanirli!
Within the FEA CHAMPIONSHIP tournament, the fighter from Turkey, Mehmet Tanirli, will enter the cage against Nicolae Hantea, in an MMA bout in the 66 kg division.
This upcoming confrontation is going to be spectacular, as both fighters are young and crave victories only!
Nicolae Hantea, in his last fight in Chisinau, within the EAGLES project, defeated Kirill Tropinin. His professional record consists of 6 wins with 2 losses. Nicolae conducts his training at Thai Boxing Club, under the supervision of Vladislav Belinschi. He is 22 years old, weighs 66kg, height- 176cm. To be noted that he’s one of the best Moldovan prospects in this category.
Mehmet is 22 years old; he obtained 21 victories in semi-pro tournaments, is coached by Guray Sabuncu. Works very well both standing up and on the ground.
September 17th, only at!