Igor Duca: “I love experiencing the sensations and emotions in the ring.”

Igor Duca: “I feel quite prepared. That’s because we’ve been training diligently, a lot. My coaches, my dad, are already studying my opponent’s fights. They point out where he makes mistakes and what work needs to be done. I love experiencing the sensations and emotions in the ring. In the ring, I look into the eyes of my opponent. If they are afraid of me, that’s good, but if they’re not, that’s even better because it fuels me. This is Muay Thai, you never know how it will end, but I’m confident that we will win because we are stronger and better. I really want everyone to come to our fights and support our team. It’s a lot of hard work, and it’s very tough for us, so we can’t do it without your support. Come to FEA on September 23rd, and for those who can’t make it, watch the live broadcast on feafights.tv.”