Fedor Cazanji vs Robert Hu Hua Long. K-1 bout under 60kg, FEA CHAMPIONSHIP TAKE OFF.

Fedor Cazanji vs Robert Hu Hua Long. K-1 bout under 60kg, FEA CHAMPIONSHIP TAKE OFF.
The K-1 rules fight between Fedor Cazanji and Robert Hu Hua Long, representatives of the Moldovan and Romanian martial arts schools, promises to be colorful. The fight will take place in the intermediate category of under 60kg.
It should be noted that Cazanji performed very successfully in Thailand. According to Muaythai rules, he had several victorious fights, now he has to fight according to the rules of K-1, but this will not be a problem for Cazanji, since stand-up fights are his element, here he feels very comfortable.
This cannot be said about his MMA debut however, which was not very successful. On April 8th, Cazanji is determined to prove himself. He is a member of Lion Comrat, where he trains under the guidance of Eduard Chesea.
Robert Hu Hua Long, of Chinese descent, representing Romania, has had more pro fights, with a record of 9 wins and 3 losses. He’ s an explosive striker and a young rising star of K-1 in Romania.
He trains intensively and we can safely say that he is, as you might say, at the peak of his form. Therefore, this match will be more than interesting.
April 8th, 2023. Stay with us, don’t miss it! Ciorescu Futsal Arena, start 17-00. Tickets: Box office of the National Opera and Ballet Theater “Maria Biesu”.
Online Tickets: afisha.md. Live: www.feafights.tv. Infoline: 079406906.
Fiodor Kazanji. COUNTRY Moldova. City: Comrat. DOB: 03/11/2003. AGE: 20. HEIGHT: 170 cm. WEIGHT: 60kg. Coach: Edward Chesea. Gym: Lion Comrat. Muaythai record – Wins:3. Losses:0. K-1 Rules record – Wins:0. Losses:0. Draw: 0.
Robert Hu Hua Long. COUNTRY-Romania. City: Bucharest. DOB: 06/30/2001 AGE: 21. HEIGHT: 162 cm. WEIGHT: 57kg. Gym: Kickboxing Team Voluntari. K-1 Rules record- Wins:9. Losses:3. Draw: 1.