Denis Cvasnitchi vs Ion Chirilov will fight in the middleweight division, under 85kg, FEA Championship TAKE OFF, K-1 Rules!

Denis Cvasnitchi vs Ion Chirilov will fight in the middleweight division, under 85kg, FEA Championship TAKE OFF, K-1 Rules!
Denis Cvasnitchi will try and prove himself for the third time. To be noted that in December, during the FEA CHAMPIONSHIP tournament, he unanimously defeated the Italian, Francesco Carnimeo.
Denis holds a lot of potential. His punches land extremely well and he’s quite versatile. He practices both K-1 and boxing. His goal, as he stated earlier, is the championship belt in the FEA middleweight division.
His opponent, Ion Chirilov, in December of last year also fought at FEA CHAMPIONSHIP tournament, winning ahead of time.
Chirilov is 2 years older than Denis. Both fighters are from the Republic of Moldova and represent different fighting schools. Thus, this match-up is going to be very dynamic and interesting.
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Denis Cvasnitchi. COUNTRY Moldova. City: Chisinau. DOB: 07/25/2001. AGE: 21. HEIGHT: 190 cm. WEIGHT: 85kg. Coach: Oleg Bespalcenco. Gym: B1. Wins:3. Losses:0. Draw: 0.
Ion Chirilov. COUNTRY Moldova. City: Chisinau. DOB: 06/05/1999 AGE: 23. HEIGHT: 185 cm. WEIGHT: 85kg. Coach: Vladislav Belinschi. Gym: Thai Boxing Club. Wins:2. Losses:1. draw: 1.