Anatolie Gafin vs Fiodor Cazanji – MMA fight in the 57kg category. FEA CHAMPIONSHIP LOADING.

Anatolie Gafin vs Fiodor Cazanji – MMA fight in the 57kg category. FEA CHAMPIONSHIP LOADING.
Both fighters are representatives of the Republic of Moldova. Anatolie is trained by Vasile Zbîrnea at Maximus club.
Fiodor is a member of Lion Comrat, where he trains under the guidance of Eduard Chesea. Recently, Fiodor spent several Thai Boxing fights in Thailand, which he won; thus, he works great standing up. As for sparring partners, Cazanji works with Mihail Sirbu, and as everyone knows, Mihail works wonderfully on the mat. Meaning, Fiodor will be 100% prepared for the match.
Anatolie Gafin recently had a K-1 fight in the Chechen Republic, where he won a landslide victory, so he is, so to speak, at the peak of his form. Therefore, this upcoming fight will be more than interesting to watch.
Both athletes will make their professional MMA debut at “FEA Championship Loading” tournament.
Fiodor Cazanji – 20 years old, country: Moldova, city: Comrat. Height: 167cm, weight: 57kg. Club: Lion Comrat, Coach: Eduard Chesea.
Anatolie Gafin – 19 years old, country: Moldova, city: Chisinau. Height: 162cm, weight: 57kg. Club: Maximus, Coach: Vasile Zbirnea.
Don’t miss it! September 17th, only at!