After a long break, the FEA tournament is back!!!


After a long break, the FEA tournament is back!!!  November the 13th. FEA. KEEP GRINDING 2!!! An event which certainly promises to become a sensation!!!

We’re glad to announce the main event and the co main event of the evening of November 13th.

In the main fight of the night, the legend of the kickboxing world, the representative of Ukraine, Pavel Zhuravlev will encounter the skilled heavyweight from Russia, Dmtriy Vasenev!!!

The co main event is nothing else but the rematch between Constantin Rusu, from the Republic of Moldova and the representative of Belarus, Pavel Grishanovich.

Pavel Zhuravlev, as we know, was supposed to fight against Ristea, but unfortunately due to an injury, he couldn’t take part in the last event, so he was then replaced by Kornilov in the title fight, who won the heavyweight title.

But Zhuravlev isn’t content with this state of affairs, thus he is again ready to rush into the battle and to prove that he is the best. His current rival, the Russian, Dmitry Vasenev, is not an easy nut to crack either. Dmitry is 23 years old, and has 4 victories on his record.

November the 13th.  Live- !!!