September the 26th, the rematch between Veaceslav Munteanu and Vadim Vlas!!! Up to 75kg category bout!!!

September the 26th, the rematch between Veaceslav Munteanu and Vadim Vlas!!! Up to 75kg category bout!!!
It gets more exciting and fierier as the FEA Kickboxing tournament approaches. On September the 26th, we will get to see the rematch between two Moldovan fighters, followers of different Moldovan kickboxing schools.
We’re talking about the fight between Veaceslav Munteanu and Vadim Vlas. The first fight, with a minimum gap by the referee\’s decision, was won by Vadim Vlas. But after that, Munteanu had 2 fights in which he won unanimously.
Veaceslav Munteanu trains under the guidance of Nicanor Trocin, at Champion Thai Gym club, in Chisinau. His record consists of 3 fights, 2 wins and 1 loss. He is 21 years old. Height-178cm.
Vadim Vlas trains at Thai Boxing Chisinau club, under the supervision of Vlad Belinschi. As a pro, he had 1 fight, 1 victory, he’s 24 years old, height-178cm.
The bout is going to be very interesting and with great intrigue. We just have to wait and witness who will be the winner.
The FEA KICKBOXING tournament on September the 26th will be available only at Follow the news, there’s a lot of exciting things ahead!!!