Well, is the end of the year and, by tradition, the most anticipated kickboxing tournament, FEA GRAND PRIX

“Well, is the end of the year and, by tradition, the most anticipated kickboxing tournament, FEA GRAND PRIX
All of us amateurs of this beautiful sport will have an unforgettable evening in the course of which we’ll watch very, very competitive fights.
The 4 man heavyweight Grand Prix. It will gather young and promising fighters.
In the first semi-final we will see the Serbian athlete, Kecojevich against the fighter from Kazakhstan, Tairov. In the second semi-final, the battle will take place between the Russian representative, Gadjiev and Gashi from Albania.
All the contenders are young except for Gadjiev, who is over thirty. The rest of them are very fascinating and gifted fighters as well who by now have many victories in various promotions.
Therefore, December the 7th will be an extraordinary evening in which we’ll identify the finalist, the one who will challenge Pavel Zhuravlev”. – said FEA president Dorin Damir.