Colombian fighter David Mejia will enter the ring against Santana, instead of Adamchuk!!!

Colombian fighter David Mejia will enter the ring against Santana, instead of Adamchuk!!!
This fight will take place as a part of FEA WORLD GP ODESSA in the up to 65 kg category. It is difficult to determine in advance who has the upper hand in this bout, since both fighters have lots of experience of professional matches. The confrontation promises to be thrilling. Mejia is fiery and younger, but let’s not forget that Santana has a priceless practice within amateur tournaments which were as easy as shelling peas for him.
Simon represents two countries at once (Norway and Spain), reaches a height of 170 cm, and is 30 years old. He had 52 in the professional ring, gaining 38 victories, suffering 13 losses and ending a fight in draw. He is the possessor of WKN title.
David Mejia is the representative of Colombia. He is younger than his adversary- 24 years old- and taller – 178 cm. Professionally, he obtained 51 wins, 8 losses and a draw. Meaning he is a very worthy replacement for Adamchuk!!!
How will the events unfold in the ring, we’ll get to see the 24th of August. Watch us LIVE at 1+1 video,,, and everyone who want to take part at such an event, buy tickets at and come to Odessa Palace of Sports!!!