Superfight -71 kg. (Ukraine) Artur Zakirko vs Maxim Spodarenko (Belarus)

Superfight -71 kg. (Ukraine) Artur Zakirko vs Maxim Spodarenko (Belarus) . FEA WORLD GP ODESSA . Buy tickets online on Watch live on
Artur Zakirko against Maxim Spodarenko super fight in the up to 71kg category at FEA WORLD GP ODESSA!!!
The fighters of Ukraine and Belarus will come together for this fight. This division is a frisky and forceful one. Artur is a fighter with personality, to prove something to somebody is not his style. He just does what needs to be done.
He has good numbers; his height is 177cm, weight – 71kg, multiple winner of international and national championships. His record consists of 22 fights, of which he lost only in two. Artur is 25 years old, and, naturally, he has big plans ahead.
His opponent, Maxim Spodarenko is a fighter with great practice as well. Firstly, he is a couple years older, he is 27. Secondly, his height is 180cm, which makes him 3 centimeters taller than Artur. Maxim Spodarenko’s professional record consists of 23 wins and 11 losses. Generally speaking, the opponents are matched perfectly.
Therefore dear friends, the bout won’t be effortless for the fighters, but it promises to be very interesting for the audience!!! Come see it, you will not regret it!!!