Sergei Morari vs Vadim Vaskov welterweight bout on KOK WGP 46 in Moldova.

The superfight in the 77 kg category between Serghei Morari and Vadim Vaskov will happen on April the 1 st at the KOK WGP 46 in Moldova.
We anticipate a very interesting duel in the semi-middleweight category at KOK WGP 46 tournament. The fight will engage a fighter of the capital club Thai Boxing, Serghei Morari and the Belarus representative from Chinuk club, Vadim Vaskov.
Morari is already known to the public as a champion who won and defended his title. He participated in many matches and managed to win the hearts of the fans. He possesses a polished technique and the perseverance of a real warrior.
His opponent, the Belarusian Vaskov, comes from a Thai boxing school. He attends the legendary club Chinuk where the K-1 legend Alexey Ignashov grew and trained. Vaskov is the world champion in Thai boxing, also he is much younger than Morari, specifically 12 years younger.
Despite that, he had over a hundred fights in the amateur ring, and in the pro one he had six fights, which he all won. Serghei Morari stated that he is ready to enter the ring and win on April 1 st and that all the difficult fights are still ahead of him.
The coach, Stefan Cîrlig, noted that the fight will not be one of the easiest either, and that the support of the public and fans is very important.
The organizer of KOK tournament, FEA’s President, Dorin Damir said in his statement that Serghei’s opponent is young and pretty good so the fight is expected to be very beautiful.
More details in the video.