Samir Boukhidous vs Nicolae Caraus Middleweight bout on KOK WGP 2017 in Moldova

On April the 1 st Nicolai Caraus will meet the Dutch fighter Samir Boukhidous in the ring On April 1 st , within the KOK WGP 2017 in Moldova, there will be a super fight in the middleweight category in which Nicolai Caraus and Samir Boukhidous will meet.
Nicolai is already well known among the fans and amateurs of KOK, thanks to his beautiful victories. All his pro fights in the KOK ring were finished early. We can only hope that this time he will show himself from his best side and we will witness a premature victory.
Nicolai himself stated that no matter how weak or strong the opponent is, there always must be a one hundred percent effort invested in the preparation.
Samir has an impressive rating, and everyone knows him as a fighter who won’t back down easily. He already took part in a KOK event on April 9 th last year in Chisinau, where he lost to Stanislav Zaniewski in the quarterfinals by judges decision.
The organizer of the KOK tournament, FEA’s president Dorin Damir noted Nicolai’s admirable growth and said that his rival is also one of the strongest fighters in the middleweight category.