The last 100 meters for Alexander Prepelitse and Dmitry Syrbu.

Already this Saturday, December 10 there will take place the WORLD GP 2016 in Moldova KOK final tournament. Within the tournament, Dmitry Syrbu and Prepelitse will act.
Dmitry Syrbbu will fight in undercards against Ukrainian Mikhail Vasilioglo. This duel is remarkable the fact that it will be some kind of revenge. In February of this year Srybu has lost the decision at Vasilioglo. And here for the first time to him the chance to become the winner was given.
Alexander Prepelitsa will meet with Ukrainian Artur Zakirko. Prepelitsa has a good record consisting of 4 victories and one draw. Prepelitsa has said in the interview that he intends to continue the safe series.
The trainer of fighters Nikonor Trochin, has declared that fighters are in good shape, so duels will be very dynamic. The organizer of the KOK Tournament,The President of FEA Dorin Damir has highly appreciated last duels of Prepelitsa and is sure has declared that, the forthcoming duel will be much better.