Sport review 1 july 2016

There was a lot of big kickboxing this past weekend, but perhaps one of the more overlooked fights was from Monte Carlo between Chingiz Allazov and Enriko Kehl. Both men are well-respected top lightweights and went to war in a bout that ultimately was won by Allazov via KO. Watch the fight below and weigh in on where either guy stands in the grand scheme of things right now.
Moldovan boxers will not make it to Olympics. First time in 20 years. No Moldovan boxer has managed to qualify to participate in the Rio Olympic Games, after a tournament in Baku.
Moldova sent 9 sportspeople there. The Moldovan boxer staying on, Alexei Zavatin, has been ousted by an Irish pugilist. Dumitru Galagoţ has been close to get a ticket for Rio, but lost the decisive fight with a Greek boxer. The Moldovan boxers have attended all the Olympics since 1996, and even managed to win two bronze medals.
On June 26, the capital of the Republic of Moldova hosted the First test edition of an open tournament dedicated to the International Olympic Day – “Moldova Open”. This event was organized by the National karate-do Federation of the Republic of Moldova, headed by its President – Oleg ABALIN in cooperation with the National Olympic and Sports Committee of the Republic on the basis of the theoretical lyceum with sports profile “GLORIA”. This competition gathered together more than 70 sportsmen from three countries aged from 4 to 17 years. Countries –participants of the tournament were: Italy (club Verona), Moldova (club “the Samurai”) and (club Nippon), Transnistria (club “Bogatyr”).
Competitions were held in both individual and team categories in the following disciplines:
– Kata
– Kumite
– Phantom
If both Kata and Kumite are well-known competitive disciplines in the standard karate program, phantom is much more rarely organized, but nevertheless it also attracts the audience by its beauty and demonstrated technics.
So, PHANTOM was included into the program of karate competitions for children aged 4-9 in order to give the sportsmen of this age an opportunity to demonstrate their skills of combat not with a real opponent, but with a mannequin.
In addition to competition program, during the last tournament the organizers of the event also held a variety of contests and quizzes, the most memorable of which undoubtedly was the drawing contest “Karate into the Olympics”. So, it was attended by about 40 athletes who had presented about 50 drawings. Thus, based on the results of the audience voting the organizers identified 10 best works to be awarded the Olympic symbol of Moldova – “Drăgușor”. However, it is worth mentioning that absolutely all the authors of the presented works were given prizes from the National Olympic and Sports Committee and the National Karate-do Federation of the Republic of Moldova for their work and diligence.
In addition, all the participants and guests of the event had another great opportunity to support karate on the way into the Olympics – to draw on themselves a picture with an Olympic symbolic.
All the performances of this tournament were evaluated by a team of judges from Moldova and Transnistria, headed by the Chief Judge – Ana Maria Stratu, the first holder of category B (KATA&KUMITE) of the European Karate Federation in the Republic of Moldova.
What’s more, an important role in organization and proper holding of the competition also played a group of volunteers, which included approximately 10 persons from Moldova and Transnistria. So we would like to thank them a good job done and also hope to work together in future!
In conclusion, we would like to express sincere gratitude to the administration of the Lyceum “GLORIA”, who cordially agreed to give us an opportunity to hold our event in their lyceum. Official representatives of the administration of “Botanica” district and the partners of this event: the company-manufacturer of sports equipment “EuroSport” and an engineering company “Ecoimobil”. Also we would like to congratulate both the winners and participants of the event and to wish all of them further achievements and realization of all the goals they set.