Serghei Morari vs Alexei Liubcenko – super fight on KOK WORLD SERIES 2016 in MOLDOVA.

Sergey Morar on the 9th April will conduct in Kishinev the firstduel in 2016.He will battle with Ukrainian Alexey Lyubchenko in weight category to 77кг. The duel will pass within the first part of the show KOK WORLD SERIES Vol.16.We will mark that Morar became the best fighter of2015year. Last year he won two grain in Riga and in Kishinev. And became a champion twice. He confidently goes to the title duel in the weight category .
Friends and colleagues are sure of Morar\’s victory on April 9th. Maxim Bolotov declared that will support and prompt to Sergey on a tournament in a role of second .Stepan Kyrlig in turn declared that Morar already ready to the duel.
President of club Thay Boxing Konstantin Bolea and president of club Champion THAY GYM and trainer of clubs of clubs Trochin Nicanor in one voice declared that in despite of rival, but Lyubchenko\’s rival is very serious fighter pick-a-back has a lot of duels and experience , Morar will show character and will show beautiful victorious fight.
The president of FEA and the organizer of the KOK tournament Dorin Damir noted persistence, diligence and Sergey\’s discipline , that necessarily will give the garden-stuffs on a forthcoming show. More detail in videoclip.