Sergey Lashchenko will not be able to take part in the title fight due to health reasons. He will be replaced in the ring by Colin George.

Just a couple of hours ago we have been informed that Sergey Lashchenko which was supposed to hold the title fight against Vladimir Toc for the championship belt in the framework of KOK WORLD GP 2015 tournament in CHISINAU will not be able to participate. The reason is an acute inflammation with suspect to pneumonia. As Sergei told us after the treatment he decided to exercise, but unfortunately the disease progressed and the doctors forbade him to exercise in the coming months, and not even think about participation in the tournament. According to the regulations, the fighter that should participate in the title fight on April 4th should be the finalist of the four in the heavy weights category that took place in Gdansk. At that time Tomas Schepkovski was the finalist that lost in the finals to Lashchenko. However, Thomas is currently recovering after the heavy weights tournament after which he was diagnosed with fractured ribs. At the same time Tomas’ opponent – Colin George who lost by the judges’ decision and by in large was responsible for Schepkovskih broken ribs is in a great shape and ready to fight. Colin George is the one that will participate in the title match against Tok on the 4th of April. I would like to remind you that Colin is a very specific fighter. He met on the right with such fighters as Le Banner. Therefore, we can surely say that Colin has enough experience to do a great fight.