Constantine Tutu responded to Lyapin and Kyshenko’s challenges.

Arthur Kyshenko challenged our Moldovan fighter Constantine Tutu in a live broadcast. After that Igor Liapin has called Constantine on a duel.
Arthur also said that Tsutsu lost him in two matches. In reply Tutu said: – “I am ready at any time to meet him in the ring, let him say when and where. What concerns the loses, it happened only once at the World Championship in Thailand. ” We are friends but sport is sport: in the ring you have all respect to your opponent. Friendship stays outside of ring ropes, concluded Constantine.
Referring to Igor Lyapin’s challenge Tsutsu said: – “Igor is a good fighter, but he has to pass the four before we can have a fight.” We would like to remind you that since this spring, according to the KOK regulations the championship’s belt is a passing one. This means that in order to get it one has to pass and win four best fighters in his category.
FEA Presiden Damir Dorin has also been questioned what he thinks about
the Kishenko and Lyapin challenges to Tutu. Dorin responded: – “In
January 2015 the contract between FEA and Constantine expires, so after
the new year we will organize a meeting at which we will decide further
development of Constantine Tutu sports career.”
We would like to remind you that this year Tutu Constantine became a member of the parliament of the Republic of Moldova.