Interview with Pavel Voronin – FEA TV

This match promises to be very exciting. Everyone knows that Pavel is not a timid fighter. For many times he proved it on the ring with his spectaculous fights.
This time, his opponent will be a fighter from Ukraine Sergei Lubchenco. The latter one is a multiple winner
of international competitions and championships. We asked Pavel about his health state and training, as well as what he thinks of his rival.
We would like to remind you that Pavel together with Stanislav Renita and Octavian Orheyanu will fly to Barcelona for a training in Arthur Kishenko’s club. Another important fact was the participation of Renita and Voronin in the flash mob in ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, which swept like a wave across the world. Such people as Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg, Microsoft founder Bill Gates, singer Justin Timberlake, TV personalities lik Martha Stewart and Jimmy Fallon, members of the Kennedy family, New Jersey Governor Chris Christie and many others have been challenged for the ICE bucket.
In this case, the fighters are supporting a boarding school from Karpinen village.
Country: Moldova
City: Chisinau
Champion GALA LELOR 2010-2012
Style: K-1 Kickboxing.
Height: 186cm
Weight: -93kg
Coach: Orheianu Octavian, Matei Vitalie.
15 fight
10 wins
5 by KO
5 loss
Country: Ukraine
DOB: 7.04.1988
Height: 185 cm
Weight: 90 кг
Fights: 7
Wins: 6
By KO: 2
Loss: 1
World WMF Champion 2011
World Champion of muay thai 2012
World Muay Thai WMF champion 2012