UFC Fight Night 31 results


Результаты турнира UFC Fight Night 31: Kennedy vs. Natal


A left high kick from Brunson lands on Houston’s temple and sends him tilting sideways, and the Strikeforce veteran wastes no time in pouncing on his wounded opponent. Brunson slaps on a rear-naked choke and rolls Houston on to his side. After a few seconds struggling and trying to peel away Brunson’s hands, Houston is forced to tap out.
Derek Brunson def. Brian Houston via Submission (Rear-Naked Choke) R1 0:48
The tall welterweights trade slapping leg kicks early on as they probe with long punches in the center of the cage. Baczynski sends a right straight down the middle, fakes a shot and gets inside, but Magny turns him around to press “The Polish Pistola” against the fence. Magny scores with a couple knees and gets double underhooks, then loses them with Baczynski reverses the position. Referee John McCarthy splits them up and Baczynski tags Magny with another hard right hand. Baczynski overreaches with a right to the body, allowing Magny to grab hold and bring the fight to the fence again. Baczynski turns it around and the fighters exchange short knees inside as they pummel for position. Again, ref McCarthy restarts them, and this time Baczynski shoots in and slams Magny to the ground with a big single-leg takedown. Magny socks Baczynski with solid left hands from his back, then ties up Baczynski’s hands. Baczynski stands and comes back to the ground, and Magny scores with another left from the ground. Baczynski stands again, this time coming down into full mount and dropping a couple heavy rights on Magny’s face.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Baczynski
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Baczynski
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Baczynski
Both fighters connect with punches before Baczynski moves in to clinch against the fence. He’s looking for a takedown, defended well by Magny until ref McCarthy splits up the clinch again. Baczynski counters a leg kick with a cracking right hand, then tries to slam Magny again, but this time Magny keeps his balance and turns the tables with a single-leg of his own. Baczynski defends and the pair goes back to grappling against the cage, both men taking turns on the outside while the McCarthy calls for action. Another restart gives Magny the chance to swipe Baczynski’s face with a right hand, and Baczynski shoots in again. Magny sprawls to defend and presses Baczynski on the fence when they stand back up. Magny breaks off the clinch this time, landing a right hook on his way out. McCarthy pauses the action with one minute left to remove some stray tape from Magny’s left glove. When they resume, Baczynski catches a kick and puts Magny on the ground, then comes down to Magny’s open guard. Baczynski passes to side control with 10 seconds left to finish the round on top.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Magny
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Magny
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Magny
Magny catches a kick and tries to rush forward, but Baczynski spins around and clinches up. Baczynski is working for a takedown on the fence, again defended by Magny, who takes a couple knees off his forearms. Magny reverses and lands a knee on the split, then comes back to tie up again. McCarthy breaks them up midway through the round, and Baczynski immediately comes back to slam Magny to the ground. Magny ties up from underneath, keeping Baczynski in his guard, so Baczynski postures up in an attempt to pass. Instead, Magny kicks him away and stands, then gets pushed against the cage. Magny reverses and hits a takedown of his own, and Baczynski spends a few seconds on his knees eating left hands before he can stand. Magny dumps him back to the ground, Baczynski stands again and takes a hard right hand. Baczynski jumps guard with a guillotine, loses it and stands to hold Magny on the cage. Magny shoves him away and lands a right hand that bloodies Baczynski just before time expires.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Magny (29-28 Magny)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Magny (29-28 Magny)
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Magny (29-28 Magny)
Seth Baczynski def. Neil Magny via Unanimous Decision (29-28, 29-28, 29-28) R3 5:00
Medeiros comes over the top with a left hand, countered by a hard body shot from Edwards. Now it’s Medeiros with a counter left hook as the lightweights continue to throw hard punches and kicks. Medeiros attacks the legs of Edwards, comes up the middle with another front kick and swipes with another hard, left-handed counter. Medeiros misses with a left and gets countered with an Edwards right hook over the top. Edwards cracks Medeiros with a big knee up the middle, follows up with a right hook. Edwards slips a combo and scores with another counter right. Medeiros keeps coming forward and blasts Edwards with a left uppercut to the chin that sends the veteran to the ground. Three more hard left hands on the ground turn out Edwards’ lights, sending referee John McCarthy into action.
Yancy Medeiros def. Yves Edwards via KO (Punches) R1 2:47
Larkin opens up with an outside leg kick, then push-kicks Camozzi backward. Camozzi comes back with a leg kick of his own and just dodges a whipping front kick up the center. Larkin lunges forward with a combo and gets clipped with a counter left hook. A straight right from Larkin sends Camozzi to the ground, but Larkin stands over him and allows him to get back to his feet. Camozzi seems to have recovered as he goes back to leg-kicking and throwing combinations. Camozzi comes inside with a jab and follows up with a hard left. Larkin responds with another straight shot before eating a few more leg kicks. Larkin counters the next low kick with a right high kick which grazes Camozzi, who comes right back with a combination and another chopping leg kick. Camozzi catches a body kick, but Larkin spins around to grab a rear waistlock. The “Monsoon” releases Camozzi and the middleweights reset with about 80 seconds left. Larkin slips on a kick, stands and gets grazed with a short right uppercut. A cracking right round kick from Larkin goes off Camozzi’s body, and Camozzi finishes the round missing a leaping knee.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Larkin
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Larkin
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Larkin
Camozzi resumes his kicking attack, dipping out of range and circling off when Larkin moves forward to strike. Larkin keeps sending straight rights down the center and eventually lands one cleanly. Camozzi rushes forward with a leaping knee that gets Larkin against the fence, and Camozzi capitalizes in close quarters with a short elbow. Larkin pushes Camozzi against the cage briefly, and Camozzi comes away with a bloody nose. Larkin puts a straight punch on Camozzi’s solar plexus, answered by Camozzi with a right kick to the thigh. Camozzi goes inside on Larkin’s lead leg with another hard kick, then closes in on Larkin against the fence to land a straight left. Larkin moves in with a right straight-left hook combination, and the second punch opens a cut on the corner of Camozzi’s right eye. Camozzi clinches Larkin against the fence with 60 seconds remaining in the round. Larkin turns it around and separates with a pair of elbows. Camozzi blocks a right high kick but eats a hard right hand to the grill before time runs out.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Larkin
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Larkin
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Larkin
Larkin lands a spinning kick to Camozzi’s thigh but slips on the next one and has to pop back to his feet quickly. Camozzi tries to chase him down and runs into a left hand. Camozzi gives Larkin a trio of outside leg kicks, then Larkin comes back with a hard right kick to the ribs. A straight right hand down the middle snaps back Camozzi’s head. Camozzi tries to tie up after receiving a knee to the gut, but instead Larkin presses the Texan against the cage and decks him with a big right hand in the clinch. The middleweights remain tied up, jockeying for position around the cage, and Camozzi winds up in the outside position with 80 seconds left. Larkin raises a hand to call for cheers while he defends a takedown attempt from Camozzi. A short elbow scores for Larkin, then a knee to the bloodied face of Camozzi. Larkin breaks out of the clinch with a spinning back-fist just before the final horn.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Larkin (30-27 Larkin)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Larkin (30-27 Larkin)
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Larkin (30-27 Larkin)
Lorenz Larkin def. Chris Camozzi via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) R3 5:00
Nunes tests the range with a couple leg kicks inside before missing with a spinning kick that de Randamie sidesteps. De Randamie has yet to unload after one minute, just creeping forward on the Brazilian, and now they clinch against the fence. Nunes goes for a single-leg, lifts de Randamie into the air but can’t take her to the ground. After another 30 seconds of struggling, de Randamie goes down and Nunes works her way into full mount, with de Randamie’s back against the fence. Nunes peels her off the cage and flattens her out in mount with half the round still to go. Nunes sits up and starts dropping punches and elbows, though de Randamie is able to absorb most of the strikes with her forearms. Nunes sits up high in the mount and turns up the volume on the elbow strikes. Although de Randamie’s arms are still blocking most of the strikes from hitting her head, referee Herb Dean tells her to defend herself. With de Randamie stuck underneath Nunes, the ref steps in to call an end to the bout.
Amanda Nunes def. Germaine de Randamie via TKO (Elbows) R1 3:56
Bermudez pumps his jab in Siler’s face and then changes levels for a shot. Siler sprawls on it at first, but the second effort yields a takedown for Bermudez, who pops Siler with left hands as they work back to their feet against the fence. Bermudez lands a knee to the groin of Siler, who takes a few seconds to recover and gets back to business. Bermudez shoots in again, but this time Siler is waiting with an arm-in guillotine. The choke looks deep, but Bermudez rolls out and powers back to his feet for another takedown. Siler tries a triangle now, and Bermudez slams his way out of it before dropping some heavy elbows on Siler’s face. Siler rolls over and stands, then tries another guillotine when Bermudez shoots for another takedown. Bermudez drops Siler on his head this time and then goes for a guillotine of his own. Bermudez cranks the choke from half-guard, can’t finish, so he steps into full mount. Siler still won’t tap, so Bermudez drops to guard and squeezes on Siler’s neck. Siler pops his head loose and stands. He tries to jump guard with another guillotine attempt and gets thrown to the ground before the horn.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Bermudez
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Bermudez
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Bermudez
Siler comes over the top with a right hand as he moves around the outside, then has to defend another takedown when Bermudez shoots against the fence. Again, Siler tries to jump guard with a guillotine, but Bermudez is too slippery now and simply shakes him off. The featherweights clinch against the fence with Siler on the outside until Bermudez drives forward and hits another takedown. Siler wraps his arms around Bermudez’s torso to keep him close, but Bermudez is still able to drop short, right-handed hammer fists from guard. Bermudez advances to half-guard and frames up another guillotine when Siler sits up. Instead, Bermudez switches to a neck crank with his left arm looped around Siler’s head. Siler has his hand in the air; at first, it looks like he’s ready to tap, but then he raises his hand as if he’s looking for a stand-up from ref Mario Yamasaki. Bermudez releases the crank and Siler gets back to his feet, socking Bermudez with an elbow to the temple as the round ends.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Bermudez
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Bermudez
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Bermudez
Bermudez clubs Siler with a lunging right and then shoots in, prompting Siler to try for yet another guillotine. Bermudez slips out and the featherweights get back on their feet. Siler catches Bermudez charging with a crisp counter right hook. Bermudez changes levels and rushes Siler against the cage, can’t get the takedown and shoves him away. Bermudez is swinging huge punches, a couple of which graze Siler and put “Super Steve” on his back foot. Another takedown goes for Bermudez with 90 seconds left in the bout, and he flattens out Siler in the center of the Octagon with a forearm across the throat. Siler scrambles to his feet and Bermudez goes for a standing guillotine but gets shoved away. Siler catches Bermudez with a left hook, then a knee and an elbow, and Bermudez finishes the fight shooting a double.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Bermudez (30-27 Bermudez)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Bermudez (30-27 Bermudez)
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Bermudez (30-27 Bermudez)
Dennis Bermudez def. Steven Siler via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 30-27) R3 5:00
Rivera dodges a high kick from Roop and then denies a takedown. A right-left combo from Rivera zaps Roop, and the bantamweights clinch on the fence with Rivera on the outside. Rivera lands a short uppercut inside before Roop changes levels and hits a takedown. Rivera briefly holds a headlock and then releases to sit up against the fence, while Roop tries to sneak around and take Rivera’s back. Roop gets one hook in, but Rivera’s back is pressed against the cage, thwarting the pass. Now, Roop tries to move to the other side, giving Rivera an opening to stand. They clinch against the fence for a few seconds before being broken up by ref Mario Yamasaki. Roop scores with a hard knee up the middle and Rivera counters with a pair of hooks to the body and head. Roop leans in to clinch and gets decked by an uppercut. Rivera blocks a high kick, sprawls on a shot and finishes the round by hitting Roop with one more uppercut.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Rivera
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Rivera
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Roop
Roop misses as he leaps at Rivera with a flying knee, then gets backed off by a quick one-two from “Cisco.” It’s Rivera moving forward, loading up his right hand as he tries to close in on Roop around the perimeter. A low kick from Roop strays low, but Rivera takes only a few seconds to recover and then gets back to headhunting. Roop looks to pull the Thai plum and gets clubbed with a right hook. Rivera is swarming, sending Roop to the ground with a left hook on the chin. Roop struggles back to his feet, but Rivera is unrelenting and a few more punches put the big man back on the canvas, forcing referee Yamasaki into action.
Francisco Rivera def. George Roop via TKO (Punches) R2 2:20
The lightweights are still circling and pawing with jabs when they clash leg kicks, with Green landing his south of the border. Krause recovers after 30 seconds or so, and then resumes slipping around the outside in the southpaw stance. Krause switches stances and has a front kick caught, but his length allows him to hit Green with a right straight. Good head movement from Krause, slipping most of Green’s punches. Green catches a kick and kicks out the other leg, then hits Krause with a hard kick to the thigh and a jab to the face. A left straight snaps back Krause’s head, and Green gives him a nod. Krause leans forward to clinch up and gets another kick on the cup. This one draws a point deduction, which Green protests. The fight resumes and Green comes after Krause, landing a kick right on the beltline that sends Krause to the ground, face-down. Referee John McCarthy deems the kick legal and waves off the fight, declaring Green the winner by TKO.
Bobby Green def. James Krause via TKO (Kick to the Body) R1 3:50
Smith sticks a right hand in Chiesa’s face, gets backed up and slips backward into the fence after a high kick. Now the lightweights move to the fence, with Smith wrapping up Chiesa in a body lock, then moving to a rear waistlock and suplexing the “Maverick” to the canvas. Smith tries a kimura on top and gets swept underneath by Chiesa, who secures back-control with a body triangle. Three minutes left in the round and Chiesa is hunting for a rear-naked choke, but Smith is doing well to fight off his hands. Smith keeps his chin buried and continues to fend off the RNC, then posts up and twists free of the body triangle. Chiesa tries to mount, can’t get it and instead stands, where Smith turns the tables by taking his back. Smith loses the position, but he keeps after Chiesa as he stands and then leaps on his back again. Now it’s Smith with an RNC attempt which comes loose as Chiesa falls to the ground. Smith keeps the back-mount, but he’s only got one hook in as Chiesa gets to his feet, and Chiesa is able to separate before round’s end.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Smith
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Smith
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Smith
Smith moves straight to the clinch, pushing Chiesa against the cage and missing with knees inside. They separate, and Chiesa comes forward to stick long, straight punches in Smith’s face. The lightweights tie up again and Chiesa hits a trip from the whizzer that dumps Smith on his head. Chiesa lands in back-mount and slaps on a quick RNC to force the tap.
Michael Chiesa def. Colton Smith via Submission (Rear-Naked Choke) R2 1:41
The lightweights get off to a tentative start, with Masvidal stepping forward and throwing leg kicks while Khabilov moves around the outside, loading up his right hand. Khabilov steps in and fakes a right hand, then brushes Masvidal’s head with a short elbow. Masvidal sticks a jab in the Greg Jackson fighter’s face, and Khabilov responds with a snappy combination. Khabilov ducks a punch, separates for a moment and then comes back for a single-leg, defended by Masvidal. An uppercut to the body lands for Masvidal as he denies another shot. Masvidal leaps in with a flying knee which is caught by Khabilov and used to hustle “Gamebred” to the ground. A brief guillotine attempt from Khabilov falls by the wayside as Masvidal works back to his feet and scores with a couple knees before exiting. Masvidal shuts down another pair of takedown attempts. Khabilov catches a kick and takes the action to the fence, reversed by Masvidal before time runs out.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Masvidal
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Masvidal
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Khabilov
Khabilov zaps Masvidal with a right hook, then sends one straight down the middle to counter a kick. A body kick lands for Khabilov, answered by a Masvidal leg kick. Masvidal is still creeping forward with his guard up, closing in to hit Khabilov with a knee to the body and a right hand. Khabilov clinches up and quickly releases, then goes back to backpedaling around the outside with 3:00 on the clock. Khabilov sticks a hard left on Masvidal’s cheek, backs up some more and ducks a punch to clinch. Masvidal takes the outside, putting a couple knees on Khabilov’s body before they separate. Khabilov steps in with a pair of hard right hands, so Masvidal wraps him up and trips him to the ground. Masvidal can’t get through with his elbow strikes from the top, and Khabilov gets back to his feet before shoving the ATT fighter away. Khabilov shoots against the fence, gets the rear waistlock and Masvidal puts a hand on the ground to avoid knees to the head. Now it’s Masvidal turning around to try a single-leg, but Khabilov escapes and hits a right straight to close out the frame.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Masvidal
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Masvidal
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Masvidal
Masvidal inches forward on Khabilov, looking to send a right straight down the middle. After a minute of backpedaling, Khabilov whips around with a spinning back kick that sends Masvidal crashing to the ground in the center of the cage. Khabilov leaps on his back and starts working for the rear-naked choke even as Masvidal rushes back to his feet. Khabilov gets him back down, but Masvidal powers to his feet and winds up on top in a scramble. Khabilov escapes and the lightweights reset on their feet with half a round to go. Khabilov shoots a double and nearly gets caught in a crucifix by the sprawling Masvidal. A single-leg shot from Masvidal puts them back on the fence; he changes levels to come back up top and land a knee to the body before releasing. Khabilov sticks a few jabs in Masvidal’s face, then pounces when Masvidal botches a spinning kick of his own. Masvidal hits the switch and takes Khabilov’s back on the ground. Khabilov just stands up and pushes him against the cage. Masvidal gets the outside position, but Khabilov is able to throw him to the ground and finish the round with punches from north-south position.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Khabilov (29-28 Masvidal)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Khabilov (29-28 Masvidal)
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Khabilov (29-28 Khabilov)
Rustam Khabilov def. Jorge Masvidal via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 29-28, 30-27) R3 5:00
Markes lands a quick kick to the body of the southpaw Romero, who responds with a few kicks to the Brazilian’s lead leg. Markes catches a kick and rushes Romero to the ground, but the wrestler is quickly back on his feet. Romero sends a straight left down the middle, reddening Markes’ nose. Romero slips on a kick, tumbles backward to avoid Markes getting on top, then pops back up. Markes catches Romero in a body lock and trips him to the ground with just over two minutes remaining. While Markes tries to work a kimura on top, Romero sweeps out from underneath and zaps him with a left hand as they stand. The left straight keeps working for Romero, who whirls around with a spinning back fist that Markes dodges. Romero finally tries for a takedown in the closing seconds of the round but bails out as he’s stood up by Markes.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-10
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Romero
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Romero
Romero continues to creep forward on Markes, pumping hard left hands and pecking away with short leg kicks. He tosses the Brazilian to the ground, backs up and allows Markes to stand, at which point Romero hits him with yet another left straight. Markes takes one back with a right hand down the center, then Romero steps in to deck him with a standing elbow. A liver kick sends Markes to the ground, throwing up his guard before Romero can follow. Romero stands over him, threatening with strikes for a few seconds before allowing Markes to stand. Markes charges forward with a jumping knee, blocked by Romero, who raises his hands high to show he’s okay. A pair of wild overhand rights from Markes miss the target, leaving him open to counter lefts. With 10 seconds left, Markes appears to stagger Romero with a hard right straight, but the horn sounds soon after.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Romero
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Romero
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Romero
Markes comes after Romero at the start of the final round, attacking with high kicks and right hands, but his offense is slowed by a poke in the right eye. The Brazilian takes only a couple seconds to recover, but as soon as he does, Romero clubs him with a huge left hand to the face. Another straight left connects, but Markes is staying on his feet. Romero goes to the body with a left, takes a hard kick on his lead leg. Romero steps in and drops Markes with a vicious overhand left. Markes is dazed on the ground when Romero closes in to crush him with two more punches before ref Mario Yamasaki intervenes.
Yoel Romero Palacio def. Ronny Markes via KO (Punches) R3 1:39
The bantamweights circle one another in the center of the cage, Carmouche flicking out leg kicks while Davis pumps punches over the top. They settle into a rhythm with Carmouche moving backward and Davis forward, trying to punch over the top of Carmouche’s hard low kicks. Carmouche continues to connect with her kicks to the outside of Davis’ lead leg, and the Canadian gives her one inside. The next inside leg kick from Davis has Carmouche stepping tenderly on her right leg, so Davis gives her another. Down to the final 30 seconds and Davis picks up the pace, though she runs into a counter right from Carmouche as she lands her last leg kick of the round.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Davis
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Davis
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Davis
Carmouche is sporting a cut on her right cheek as round two begins, but she gives Davis a worse cut back with a left straight-overhand right combo. Davis is bleeding profusely from a gash above her left eye as she tries to push Carmouche against the cage. Carmouche won’t stay there, circling off the fence and moving backward as Davis comes ahead, flicking out punches. Both women land hard right hands, then Davis follows a checked leg kick with a clean right hand up top. The left side of Davis’ face is covered in blood but she’s still grinning as she walks down Carmouche. The leg kicks keep coming from Davis, forcing Carmouche to protect her wounded right leg with her stance. With one minute left in the round, Davis trips Carmouche to the ground and comes down to side control on the right side. Carmouche tries to push off the cage but is held there by Davis, who lands knees to the body as time ticks away. Just before the horn, Carmouche sweeps to the top and socks Davis with a couple quick punches to finish the round.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Davis
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Davis
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Davis
Carmouche goes down almost as soon as the round begins as Davis kicks out her damaged leg. The “Girl-rilla” gets right back to her feet, where she’s pressed against the cage by Davis. Knees to the body score for Davis, who tries to pull Carmouche off the fence but can’t complete the takedown. Referee Gary Copeland tells the women to fight off the cage; instead, Carmouche drives a knee up the middle and reverses the position. Davis gets back on the outside as the bantamweights continue to exchange knees in the clinch. Ref Copeland breaks them up with 3:15 remaining in the bout. Davis cracks Carmouche with another chopping leg kick, then two more which are countered by a Carmouche right hook. Two minutes remaining in the fight and Davis has Carmouche clinched against the fence, again working knees inside. They separate and Davis comes forward, still picking at Carmouche’s legs while the American windmills punches in return. Another pair of leg kicks connect for Davis, then a hard right hand down the pipe. They close out the fight in the clinch, Davis with a final pair of knees and Carmouche with an uppercut.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Davis (30-27 Davis)
Chris Nelson scores the round 10-9 Davis (30-27 Davis)
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Davis (30-27 Davis)
Alexis Davis def. Liz Carmouche via Unanimous Decision (30-27, 30-27, 29-28) R3 5:00
Referee Herb Dean is the third man in the cage for tonight’s middleweight main event, with judges Amy Evans, Chris Lee and Cardo Urso scoring at cageside. Kennedy catches the first kick from Natal and puts the Brazilian off balance with a grazing straight right. Natal touches Kennedy with a straight right, spins him around with a slapping low kick. Kennedy gives him a kick in return, this one to the body, and Natal splits the Army Ranger’s guard with a left hand. Kennedy clips his man with an uppercut, but Natal backpedals to dodge the follow-up punches. The 185ers tie up and Natal bowls Kennedy to the ground for a split second. A low kick takes the lead leg out from under Kennedy, who hops back up sporting some redness on the limb. Natal whiffs on a spinning heel kick, connects with one to Kennedy’s lead knee. Down to the final minute of the opening round and Natal is keeping Kennedy on the outside with snappy punches. Kennedy keeps coming forward, steps into range and drills Natal with a lunging left hook on the chin. Natal collapses to the ground at the base of the cage, where Kennedy polishes him off with two more punches.
Tim Kennedy def. Rafael Natal via KO (Punches) R1 4:40