Happy Birthday Damir Dorin!!!

We wish a happy birthday to Damir Dorin today!
On March 20, the President of FEA, the Vice President of the World Amateur K-1 Federation (WAK-1F), the President of the Moldovan Amateur K-1 Federation of Moldova (WAK-1F Moldova) Damir Dorin is celebrating his birthday. The FEA team, the sports clubs of WAK-1F Moldova, friends and colleagues heartily wish a happy birthday to Damir Dorin. We wish you good health, prosperity and success in all your endeavors and may all your dreams be fulfilled. Birthday greetings from Moldovan fighters, the participants of the tournaments organized by Damir Dorin, and the famous K-1 stars. It is very important that such people as Damir Dorin support and develop Moldovan sport in this hard time, do charity work and raise the image of our country in the world community.
Happy Birthday!