Results Bellator 85


Результаты турнира Bellator 85Cleber Luciano vs. Mario Navarro
Round 1
Luciano quickly closes the distance on Navarro, pushes him into the fence and sucks him to the mat. The BJJ black belt pounds before passing to side control, where Navarro tries to work his way off the fence, but Luciano is glued to his nearside leg, pressuring down and pounding. Navarro regains guard, but the Brazilian postures up and punches down again before moving to side again. Once more, Navarro kicks and shrimps his way back, but the stocky grappler just continues to pass to side, get knee on belly and punch away on top. With a minute on the clock, Navarro swings for an armbar that catches Luciano by surprise, but his quickly yanks his arm out and sets up in full guard. A desperate Navarro tries to punch and elbow back from the bottom, but Luciano continues socking him up in guard until the round ends.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Luciano
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Luciano
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Luciano
Round 2
Luciano (top) shut out Navarro.
The minute Navarro attacks on the feet, Luciano changes levels and bulls him to the mat. This time, away from the cage, Luciano gets to side control but even without the fence, Navarro regains guard. Luciano gets to half, but rather than pass to side, he tries to cut up the middle into full mount. Navarro defends, but surrenders the pass to side control, then north-south. Navarro has shown good defines from bottom, but the story of the fight is Luciano\’s ground pressure and guard passing. He gets to full mount but Navarro rolls out and escapes an armbar attempt.
They scramble back to the feet, but Luciano scores another quick double-leg takedown into full guard. Navarro is trying to escape as he has throughout the fight but is noticeably fatigued. With less than 30 seconds to go, he slides up the fence and lands a short elbow, but Luciano stays glued to his body along the fence until the bell.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Luciano
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Luciano
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Luciano
Round 3
Sensing he is behind, Navarro attacks Luciano more aggressively, feinting with his jab and landing knees when Luciano covers up. The bright-colored Californian stuffs Luciano\’s bullrush, but can\’t stop him from running him back into the fence. Luciano tries to elevate Navarro with a high-crotch slam. After struggling, he pulls his foe off the cage and slams him to the mat, again claiming knee on belly and looking to pass. Navarro shrimps to the fence under Luciano\’s pressure, but can\’t pull off the wall walk this time. Luciano passes to quarter guard, nearing full mount as he lands a stream of right hands. Navarro tries to tie him up, but it\’s all right hands until the bell. For whatever reason, the horn comes about 10 seconds early, not that it has any chance to impact the outcome.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Luciano (30-27 Luciano)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Luciano (30-27 Luciano)
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Luciano (30-27 Luciano)
Official result: All three judges — Ron McCarthy, Lester Griffin and Michael Bell — score the bout 30-27 for the winner by unanimous decision, Cleber Luciano.
Joe Williams vs. Jamie Yager
Round 1
Williams stopped Yager in round one.
Yager circles on the outside, feinting with kicks and punches. He wades into the pocket and gets clipped by a Williams left for a moment, falling off balance. Williams closes the distance and pushes the TUF vet into the cage before switching off to a single-leg takedown. Williams swings him to the mat and gets into half guard. Yager locks up an ineffectual headlock from his half guard, but Williams frees himself and moves his foe against the cage. Williams undercooks on the far side and pounds away with shot left hands. Yager goes belly down, letting the punches bounce off of his afro while Williams bodies him.
Referee John McCarthy looks on, but the quality of the blows just isn\’t sufficient. The punching continues and with Williams grapevining his leg, Yager is trapped. McCarthy halts the action at 4:02 as a defeated, disappointed Yager takes his feet, visibly ticked by the stoppage.
Michael Guymon vs. Savant Young
Round 1
The shorter, stockier Young feints as he tries to close the distance on the rangier Guymon, but can\’t clinch up. When Young swings, Guymon shoots and runs him to the mat. Young pops back up but the Tapout co-founder puts him right back on the ground. Guymon gets to half guard and the short-limbed Young struggles to push him away as the bigger man bodies him on top. Young is stuck on his seat, trying to climb up the fence. Guymon partially sidesteps him and nearly gets his back along with a rear-naked choke. Young explodes back to his feet and they pummel along the cage. They separate, but “Joker” runs Young down with a one-two, clinches and puts him right back on the canvas with just under a minute left in the round. Guymon punches away and claims half guard. Young slides up the fence, but eats a knee before the horn.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Guymon
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Guymon
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Guymon
Round 2
Young knocked Guymon out cold.
Both men throwing jabs, low kicks and teeps over the first minute of the second round but can\’t seem to land. Young swings a wild one-two that just grazes Guymon, cutting his eye. Guymon tries to fire back with a low kick, but drops his hand and walks straight into an overhand left from the diminutive Young. The haymaker explodes like a bomb upon impact, rerouting Guymon\’s instantly-unconscious body and putting him flat on the mat. Referee Jason Herzog gives the prone fighter a moment to recover, but it is far past that point: Young follows up with a brutal right hand on the canvas, sealing the deal at 48 seconds of the second round. Outstanding knockout by Savant Young.
Bellator Season 8 Light Heavyweight Tournament Quarterfinal
Emanuel Newton vs. Atanas Djambazov
Round 1
Djambazov attacks with punches immediately, stalking Newton and throwing heavy leather. He clinches up and bangs to the body before Newton circles away. The Bulgarian continues firing long, straight punches while Newton tries to kick from range. Djambazov walks into a body kick as he advances on the Bellator tournament vet. He resets, then walks into another kick to the guts as he punches his way in. Side kick to the gut by Newton. Djambazov flurries with another series of hooks, clipping Newton with his left. The Bulgarian fighter is already looking tired, breathing heavily through his mouth. Perhaps picking up on that, Newton runs him into the cage, secures double undercooks and ragdolls his man to the mat. Newton tries to pound, but Djambazov surprisingly swings for a nice arm bar which Newton needs two slams and a salvo of punches to get free from. Newton postures and pounds, but the Bulgarian rolls forward for a takedown. “The Hardcore Kid” sprawls out, gets a headlock and turns the corner on Djambazov, forcing him to roll over and surrender top control. Newton punches away until Djambazov exposes his back, but Newton is too high and slides over the top. The Californian keeps top position, however, landing some leather and moving to side control before the bell.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Newton
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Newton
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Newton
Round 2
Newton grabbed a bulldog choke to win.
Djambazov came to throw, so he goes right back to his gameplan of winging powerful hooks. Each lunging left gets further away from Newton, however, as the more veteran American counters to the body with kicks and even starts to tag the Bulgarian in close. Djambazov lands a nice hook of his own but it doesn\’t stop Newton from running into the clinch and throwing him on the mat again. Djambazov hops back up but Newton simply throws him back to the mat and casually takes full mount on his exhausted foe. Newton starts punching with both hands, but Djambazov actually catches him on the chin a few times from the bottom of full mount, forcing him to readjust.
Djambazov bucks and rolls, but Newton sinks a bulldog choke, turns it into a no-hooks rear-naked choke, then dives on his foe\’s back. The tap is academic, as Newton earns the submission win at 2:21 of the second round. Emanuel Newton advances to the semifinals of Bellator\’s Season 8 light heavyweight tournament.
J.J. Ambrose vs. Brian Warren
Round 1
Ambrose tapped out Warren.
Ambrose immediately lands a hard one-two that stuns Warren. Ambrose runs right over him, diving on his back and locking in his hooks less than 30 seconds into the bout. Warren explodes and escapes, but Ambrose ends up on top, chopping away with short punches. Warren is all defines on the bottom, trying to tie his man up. After minutes of plodding, referee Jason Herzog calls for a stand up. On the restart, Ambrose instantly lands a pair of hooks that cause Warren to hit the mat in delayed fashion. When he hits the mat, Ambrose storms him with a torrent of left hands. Somehow, Warren survives and holds on until the horn in a lopsided round.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-8 Ambrose
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-8 Ambrose
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Ambrose
Round 2
After getting whipped on in the first, Warren tries to take his time, easing into the second frame. As soon as he throws a kick, he eats an overhand right from Ambrose that puts him on the mat. He tries to roll forward into a takedown, but Ambrose takes his neck and locks up a tight guillotine. Ambrose pulls guard, and that\’s a wrap. The tap comes at 50 seconds of the second frame.
Jason Lambert vs. Hector Ramirez
Round 1
Lambert\’s straight armbar was tight.
Lambert tries to gauge distance with leg kicks, but Ramirez lands solid hooks each time he throws. Lambert\’s right eye already has a smear of blood underneath it from the hooks of “Sick Dog”. Lambert continues pressing forward, negotiating the range better and landing short hooks of his own. He lands a hard left hook that backs Ramirez up, allowing him to flurry along the cage. Lambert gets a headlock on Ramirez, then opts to release it and bang to the body instead. Ramirez, desperate to change the venue, gets a takedown. Lambert immediately throws his legs up for a triangle.
Ramirez tries to escape but Lambert locks down his right arm with an inverted armbar. He pins his fellow UFC vet\’s arm to his chest and locked the inverted armbar down, forcing Ramirez to tap out in pain. The nifty end comes at 3:59 of the first round.
Joe Camacho vs. Aaron Miller
Round 1
Miller runs Camacho into the cage in pursuit of a takedown, but can\’t wrestle him to the floor. Eventually, he slams him to the floor with a harai goshi, nearly spilling out before he takes top position. Miller looks to pound but Camacho continuously threatens with armbars from the bottom. Each time, Miller yanks his arm out and unloads another volley of punches. Camacho gets to his knees, but Miller pounds him with punches and knees to the bottom. Camacho tries to grab a single, but Miller gets behind him, controlling his waist and slamming him with punches and elbows. Camacho rolls and regains half guard. The Millennia MMA fighter punches away until the bell.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Miller
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Miller
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Miller
Round 2
Miller outpointed Camacho for three rounds.
The second frame follows a familiar path, with Miller quickly slamming Camacho to the mat, setting up on top and punching away. Camacho continues to actively grapple from guard, regain when Camacho passes and look for armbars. Unfortunately, Miller is simply too much on top, continuously escaping and punching away on top. Miller briefly gets to side control before Camacho regains guard. In the ensuing scramble, Miller briefly gets a rear waist lock before the horn.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Miller
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Miller
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Camacho
Round 3
Miller again puts Camacho on the mat quickly and moves to half guard on his tiring opponent. He works hard for the pass, but can\’t slide his knee out. Miller unloads with a brief but nasty torrent of elbows. As Camacho moves along the fence to cut him off. Camacho rolls for an armbar but Miller yanks his arm out. As he looks to pound, Camacho throws up some illegal heel strikes that clip Miller in the side of the head and briefly cause a halt in the action. When they restart, Jason Herzog puts them in half guard with Miller on top. Miller resumes pounding, but Camacho rolls and tries desperately for an inverted triangle. He rolls off the top and gets back to his feet, but Miller puts him back on the mat. He advances to half guard before Camacho puts him back in full. Camacho still seeks armbars, but Miller, unfazed, just punches away until the final bell.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Miller (30-27 Miller)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Miller (30-27 Miller)
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Camacho (29-28 Miller)
Official result: All three judges — Ron McCarthy, Lester Griffin and Michael Bell — score the bout 30-27 for the winner by unanimous decision, Aaron Miller.
Pat Curran vs. Patricio “Pitbull” Freire
Round 1
Curran steps forward, probing with his jab through the first minute. Finally, Pitbull rips off a hard one-two-leg kick that stops Curran\’s forward movement. Inside low kick for the Brazilian. He lobs another one-two which Curran blocks. The champion being incredibly patient through the first half of the round. Freire continues to throw pairs of hooks that mostly land on Curran\’s guard. They duck under right hooks from one another, but each graze with the follow left. Pair of kicks from Freire go to the body and the head, and Curran smacks him with a head kick of his own. Bell ends a tense opening round.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Freire
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Freire
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Freire
Round 2
Curran edged Pitbull on two scorecards.
Curran pumping his jab more actively to start the second round, landing clean on Freire\’s mouth. Freire starts feinting with his uppercut, but Curran lands a nice lead knee as he advancing. Freire lands a series of chasing punches, but Curran counters with a tight left hook of his own. Both men inviting close exchanges now, each man landing clean, tight hooks. Curran surprises the Brazilian upstairs with a flicking roundhouse to the head. Quick one-two from Curran tags Freire, and another right-hand counter from the champion after. The Brazilian\’s nose is leaking blood.
The pair clinch up for a moment, and Curran tosses Freire on the mat but allows his challenger to regain his feet. The Natal native is undaunted and continues go forward, but Curran\’s boxing is cutting him off before he reaches range.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Curran
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Curran
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Curran
Round 3
Heavy hooks both ways, each man landing licks. Curran flashes his jab, but Freire crams one into his kisser. Curran circling left into Freire\’s power, keeping his guard up, but his eats a hard kick to the body. Two hooks upstairs, then one to the body land for Freire. Just as soon as Pitbull gets a handle on the striking, Curran pops him with two quick jabs, then sticks another one moments later. Two hooks, head kick and flying knee attempt from Freire. Curran lands a lead knee, but his man responds with two quick hooks. This is a great representation for tit-for-tat MMA striking. Curran circling to his right now and sizing Freire up for kicks, but the Brazilian looks to be taking a breather, bobbing and weaving with his guard up. Curran kicks, but it ends up low. Freire steps away briefly, but doesn\’t need a full respite before continuing on. Hooks rip side to side for both men, each grazing their target. Both men pop their jabs out, landing before the round expires. Freire walks to his corner with his mouth and nose smeared in blood.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Freire
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Freire
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Curran
Round 4
Freire slips a Curran jab and puts his left hook-right hook combo upstairs for the umpteenth time. His three-piece to follow is blocked by a blocking, circling Curran. Freire goes back to the combo, putting a left hook to the body, but eats a one-two from Curran in return. Both men returning each other\’s fire with tight boxing combinations. Freire is swelling underneath the eyes. Curran stalking with his lead hand low. Hard body shot from Curran. Curran dips in with a left hook-right hook, clashing heads with Freire. Freire, now cut under the eyes as well, protests to referee Jason Herzog who gives him a moment to shake it off. Freire stalks Curran, but eats more quick counters. Freire shoots, Curran easily sprawls and they reset standing. Jab-left hook-right-hook-left hook for Curran. Digging body shots in return from Freire. Nice right uppercut from Curran lands, the last significant blow of the round.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Curran
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Curran
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Curran
Round 5
Both fighters sticking their jabs. Curran bloodies Freire\’s mouth again before kicking him to the body. Freire continues digging to the champion\’s body, but he seems unfazed. Curran rips Freire with another lead knee. He throws a body kick and when Freire catches it, Curran smacks him with a jab. The champion\’s counter game is helping him tremendously. He slips Freire\’s hooks, and lands another jab. He shoots briefly, but Freire easily pushes the hesitant attempt away. Pitbull sweeps with a pair of hooks, but he misses and eats a jab in return. Three-hook combos for each man, each landing a hard left hook on the end. Right hook to the body, whipping left hook upstairs. Left hook-chopping elbow-right cross from Curran. Freire is desperate, just winging wild hooks. He is landing on Curran, but the champion is rolling with them. Curran eats them, returns fire, sticking daggering jabs into his challenger\’s bloody face until the bell. Great fight.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Curran (48-47 Curran)
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Curran (48-47 Curran)
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Curran (49-46 Curran)
Official result Gene Lebell scores the bout 48-47 for Patricio Freire, while judge Michael Bell scores the bout 48-47 for Curran. Deciding judge Ron McCarthy sees the bout 48-47 for the winner and still Bellator featherweight champion, Pat Curran.
Bellator Season 8 Light Heavyweight Tournament Quarterfinal
Renato “Babalu” Sobral vs. Mikhail Zayats
Round 1
Zayats pounded out “Babalu.”
Sobral advances with his double jab, kicks Zayats to the body and clinches. Zayats turns him around but Babalu instantly puts him back on the fence. They essentially rest in the clinch, neither committing to a takedown, until John McCarthy breaks them. Zayats jabs while Babalu kicks, eating a low kick to the groin. Sobral apologizes, McCarthy intervenes briefly and the bout is right back on. Zayats throwing one-twos until Sobral cracks him with an overhand right. Once again, we clinch against the fence with Sobral holding Zayats in place until McCarthy breaks them. Pretty miserable round so far. Sobral kicks low, Zayats kicks to the body in response.
Babalu kicks low and the Russian explodes with a spinning back fist, rocking Sobral badly. He tries to hold on, but Zayats is all over him, clubbing him with rights. Sobral hits the mat, but his opponent is on him with the finishing blows. Crushing hammerfists knock Sobral out, but his follow up rights continue to reverberate through the Brazilian\’s body until McCarthy finally intervenes at 4:49 of the first round. Mikhail Zayats advances to the semifinals of the Bellator Season 8 light heavyweight tournament.
Michael Chandler vs. Rick Hawn
Round 1
Chandler advances on Hawn, pumping his jab and leg kicking. Hawn attacks with right crosses but can\’t land clean on the champion. Both men comfortable in boxing range, just staying off the end of punches. Chandler leg kicks again. The champ drops for a low single and completes it smoothly, getting into Hawn\’s guard. The Mizzou alum controls Hawn well, passing to half guard. Hawn gets to his knees, but Chandler gets a rear waistlock. Hawn breaks free and cracks Chandler with a sneaky kick upstairs. Chanlder stumbles, but lands in retaliation with counter punches, backing Hawn up.
Jordan Breen scores the round 10-9 Chandler
Tristen Critchfield scores the round 10-9 Chandler
Mike Whitman scores the round 10-9 Chandler
Round 2
Chandler\’s submission was quick and brutal.
Both men miss right crosses. The lightweights paw with jabs until Chandler shoots in and slams Hawn to the mat. Punches and left elbows from Chandler chop down on Hawn\’s face. Hawn shrimps back to the fence but Chandler is bullish with his control. Hawn scrambles to his knees, but Chandler sinks a hook in before slamming him back down to the mat. This time, the champion instantly sinks his hooks in and locks his choking arm under Hawn\’s neck. Chandler stretches his challenger back, locking the choke in for the tap. Dominant and impressive performance by Michael Chandler. The end comes at 3:05 of the second round.
Bellator Season 8 Light Heavyweight Tournament Quarterfinal
Seth Petruzelli vs. Jacob Noe
Round 1
Noe defeated Petruzelli in round one.
Petruzelli throws a lazy leg kick and Noe rips him with punches, pushing the UFC vet back. Petruzelli gets in on a single-leg and puts his man into the cage. Noe rips him off his leg and they battle in the clinch until Noe shoves him away and they reset at striking distance. Petruzelli is tentative as Noe wings shots each time he advances. He tries to throw a Superman punch, but it is aborted when Noe catches him low, prompting a very brief respite. They clash front kicks. Petruzelli jumps in with a hard left hook and tags his foe with the follow. Noe\’s left eye is starting to swell.
Petruzelli shoots a double but Noe stuffs him, and takes his back. Petruzelli furtles up almost instantly when Noe begins rifling him with punches on top. As Noe keeps punching, Petruzelli offers nothing. Noe drives away with left hands until Jason Herzog finally halts the bout at 2:51 of the first round. Jacob Noe advances to the semifinals of Bellator\’s Season 8 light heavyweight tournament.