Chalk this one up to an unfortunate circumstance of the GLORY buyout of It's Showtime,


Chalk this one up to an unfortunate circumstance of the GLORY buyout of It\’s Showtime,
Chalk this one up to an unfortunate circumstance of the GLORY buyout of It\’s Showtime, as there are still a few It\’s Showtime events scheduled for this year and it looks like the first victim will be the It\’s Showtime event in Yokohama. To understand what kind of a blow this is, It\’s Showtime has been working with local promoters in Japan for well over a year now promoting “Countdown to It\’s Showtime” events, which were all supposed to lead to It\’s Showtime\’s big Japan debut. This was to take place in September, but it looks like it might not happen in September, or even at all. Statement from Simon Rutz and It\’s Showtime Japan\’s President Fujiawara below. “As a result of the acquisition of IT\’S SHOWTIME by GLORY Sports International and all necessary internal adjustments associated with this acquisition, we’ve both, GLORY Sports International and Showtime Japan concluded that the necessary period for the preparation is too short to ensure the desired quality for our show, which was scheduled for September 17, 2012, in the Pacifico National Convention Hall in Yokohama, Japan. For this reason we decided to postpone this event until further notice.