About us

EAGLES FC (Fighting Championship) the new unique Moldavian combative project which will pass by rules MMA. The name EAGLES is given the project not incidentally. In translation of EAGLES means eagles. The symbolics of an eagle is shaped through a prism of centuries. And as all know the Eagle it is a symbol of freedom, valor and courage. The eagle is located not gift on the coats of arms of world powers. Presently an example of courage are fighters thanks to whom the country colors with honor are hoisted on the world scene. Marking about a victory not only the fighter of the participant, but also all country. Famous fighters and beginners will take part in the new EAGLES FC project as already all, Which names will only start being lit on the arena of glory. EAGLES FC are athletes to whom barriers aren\’t terrible and which go all the way. Will pass the four EAGLES FC tournaments which will show great skills of rising stars.
The project will have international character as in it our fighters will be competed by athletes from around the world.
Thanks to EAGLES FC new opportunities will open and new names from the growing generation of fighter will be lit,
and for athletes it is opportunity to prove and accumulate experience on the professional arena.
1.1. Scope of rules
These rules are intended for the organization and carrying out under the behalf of FEA competitions (tournaments) in the mixed martial arts of “MMA”.
These rules (rules of the tournaments) represent the rights and obligations of the participants in tournaments, instructions to the organization and carrying out contests, rules and restrictions in use of the striking and grappling techniques, criteria and the system of judging.
All participants of tournaments are obliged to follow these rules.
Non-compliance with rules of tournaments can lead to dismissal, an exclusion from the venue of the tournaments, disqualification and also other consequences provided by these rules, the law and other agreed acts.
The violations made by participants of tournaments can also cause penalties.
1.2. Definitions
Participants of competitions – the persons who are taking part in the organization and competitions. Participants of competitions are: organizers of competitions, members of judicial structure, athletes, representatives of athletes (trainer), angular seconds, the sports doctor (physician), the audience (guests) of competitions and also other persons who are taking part in the organization and competitions.
The grappling technique – the technique used for fight in a stance, stalls and also painful and suffocating procedures.
The unsportsmanlike trauma – the injury done to the opponent by a forbidden action, and also the trauma got by the wrong, unfair use of the actions directed to create a trauma to the opponent, which can will make impossible continuation of the contest. An example – during falling on the opponent to expose an elbow so, that to break to the rival a rib; to step on the heel of a lying opponent in such a way as to break his knee, to strike in an elbow against a bend of an outstretched arm of the opponent that to break it, to hit the rival in a knee of the straightened leg against a bend that to break it.
Violation – any partial or full non-compliance with these rules by the participant of competitions. Unintentional violation of the rules does not exclude responsibility for violation.
Casual violation – the violation of the rules made not on the participant of competitions.
The loss or damage of the athlete – are damages of varying severity of parts of the body or internals of the athlete. Signs of a loss: bleeding, hemorrhage, a hematoma, section, a fracture, stretching, dislocation, a spasm, dizziness, consciousness loss, a disorientation in time and space, painful shock, physical fatigue, fear and panic.
Position “Ground” – is considered a position of the athlete if his knee, a hip, an elbow, a shoulder, the head, the case or both hand contact the floor. In case only one brush, apart from feet concerns a floor, the athlete is considered in a standing position.
Stance – is the position on one or two feet.
The athlete is considered being in ground in case is in any situation, except situation on one or two feet.
2.1. Weight categories and weighing
Except for approval of the Commission or its executive director, categories for competitions or exhibitions of mixed martial arts and weight for each category have to be:
Вес (кг.) Weight (kg.) |
Name of category (eng) |
from 120,2 |
Super heavyweight |
93 — 120,2 |
Heavyweight |
83,9 — 93 |
Light heavyweight |
77,1 — 83,9 |
Middleweight |
70,3 — 77,1 |
Welterweight |
65,8 — 70,3 |
Lightweight. |
61,2 — 65,8 |
Featherweight. Male/female. |
56,7 — 61,2 |
Bantamweight. Male/female. |
up to 56,7 |
Flyweight. Male/female. |
48-52,2 |
Strawweight. Female. |
Weighing of all athletes will be carried out in the day determined and announced by the organizer, but no later than day of carrying out a contest.
The athlete is obliged to correspond to the coordinated weight category!
Excess of weight category in which fight has to take place is not allowed!
Weighing of athletes takes place in shorts, directly after medical examination. In case the athlete does not make weight category, he will be fined according to the rules established by the organizer and the commission, what means refusal in the admission to a contest, application of penalties, disqualification or other measures.
For simple fights (SUPER FIGHT) the difference in 400gr is allowed. between a body weight and weight category in which the contest will take place and for semifinal fights (SEMIFINAL FIGHT) the difference in 200gr is allowed. between a body weight and weight category in which the contest will take place.
EXCEPTION! In case the athlete exceeds weight category in which has to will take place a contest, then by way of exception, it can be allowed to participate in a tournament, only if the team of his opponent and the chief judge of a competition have no objections. In this case the weight category of the contest can be changed. This exception does not work in relation to fights for a champion title (the CHAMPION BELT)!
In all cases if the athlete does not reach the agreed weight, then it will be fined according to the rules established by the organizer and the commission that can include refusal in the admission to the competition, application of penalties, disqualification and/or other measures.
2.2. Medical control
During contests in the fighting area (ring/cage) there has to be a licensed doctor (approved by FEA), further the sports doctor.
Any injuries received during contest will be processed/are cured at once after fight while the injured athlete is on the tournament.
The athlete will be examined by the sports doctor, for definition of any injuries or diseases.
At medical examination, the athlete is obliged to provide the medical certificate in the English, Russian or Romanian languages issued by the relevant authorized or license medical center / organization or the doctor (expert) in which it will be specified that the athlete had medical examination and it is allowed to participation in such fights. The medical certificate will be received by the athlete on own account, and it has to be is given out no more than in 1 (one) month prior to the competitions.
Before participation in competitions, the athlete agrees and undertakes to provide at own expense to the organizer at medical examination, test results on HIV infection, hepatitis’s B and C, CT and/or results of MRT. Such tests have to be made by the appropriate medical expert or the organization. Tests for HIV and hepatitis have to be carried out no more than in 30 days prior to day of fight, and CT / or MRT no more than in 3 (three) months prior to day of fight.
The athlete, before and during a contest, is forbidden to use or introduce any liquids or other substances into his organism, without preliminary approval of the commission (judges).
If the athlete\’s water supply is finished, the athlete or his representative have the right to demand from the organizer additional drinking water.
It can be demand to athlete to pass a doping test after fight. In this case the athlete is obliged to cooperate with the organizer for passing this test.
The doping test is carried out for the purpose of identification of the banned drugs specified in the world anti-doping code by the approved World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA).
2.3. Technical meeting
In order to ensure compliance with the rules of the competition the participants should take a part in technical rules meeting( general review of the rules and event structure and standards) run buy head ( chief) referee usually technical rules meeting will take place right after weight ins.
Usually technical meeting is held right after the procedure of weightings.
Athletes or their representatives are obliged to be present at a technical meeting and have the right to ask all questions interesting them concerning rules.
2.4. Equipment
All participants of competitions are obliged to follow a dress code, rules of decency, ethics and the requirement of organizers.
The officials’ structure has to be in the same uniform approved by organizers of the competitions.
The trainer, timekeepers, representatives of the athlete have to have the appearance corresponding to the place and conditions of competitions, and requirements of the organizer.
Organizers of competitions can give to the athlete, his trainer, the timekeeper clothes for an exit in a ring / cage and also for the actions demanded according to the scenario (a press conference, weighing, and others).
Placement of logos or publicity on clothes or skin without preliminary permission of organizers is forbidden.
In case of incomplete compliance of appearance – to the place and conditions of competitions and also requirements of the organizer, participants can be removed (are excluded) from the venue of competitions.
2.4.1. Gloves and wrapping.
Athletes fight in special gloves which weight is from 4 to 6 ounces, with open fingers. Some gloves of the bigger size, for example. 2 XL – 4 XL, can exceed the weight of 6 ounces a little. Gloves are provided by the organizer.
The athlete is obliged to protect fists with special bandaging of hands (wraps/taping).
In all weight categories, taping of each participant has to be limited to soft gauze cloth no more than 1,5 meters long in length and 5 centimeters wide, withheld on the place by an adhesive plaster (adhesive tape) length of no more than 60 centimeters, on 2 centimeters in width, for each hand.
The adhesive plaster has to be placed on each hand directly for protection of a wrist. The tape can cross a back part of a hand to cover and protect joints when the hand is compressed in a fist.
Taping has to be evenly distributed on a hand so that an internal part of a hand (palm) remained open.
Representatives of the opponent can be present at the procedure of taping.
Taping has to be checked by the referee. After approval, the referee dresses to the athlete of a glove, fixes them an adhesive plaster or an adhesive tape on wrists where does corresponding a mark.
2.4.2. Mouthpieces
All athletes have to have a mouthpiece during a contest. The mouthpiece has to be examined and approved by the attending physician.
The round cannot begin without mouthpiece on the place.
If cap involuntarily falls during a contest, the referee at the first right moment, without interference of current action, has to stop time, clean the mouthpiece and insert it into place to the athlete. The athlete has the right to refuse from mouthpiece and to continue the contest without it, bearing completely responsibility for all possible risks and consequences.
2.4.3. Protective equipment
Male athletes have to have the protection of a groin (shell) approved by the sports doctor.
Women athletes are forbidden to have protection of a groin (shell).
Women athletes have to have chest protection. Chest protection is subject to the approval by the judge.
Other types of protection (a bandage of a knee joint, ankles and others) are possible only with preliminary permission of the referee and organizers in case they do not provide technical advantage to the athlete during the contest.
2.4.4. Clothes and appearance
The athlete must be barefoot in shorts made of strong material which will not cause damages to athletes.
Gi or undershirts are forbidden during the competitions, except women athletes that have to wear special undershirt approved by organizers.
Athletes should be clean and have a suitable appearance. Before the upcoming contest, the athlete should shortly cut the nails on the hands and feet. Hair should be collected in such a way that they do not interfere with the review and do not pose a danger to the athletes.
The athlete is forbidden to wear any jewelry or other accessories (piercing, chains, crosses, amulets and others) during a duel.
In the case that, in the opinion of the referee, the clothing or appearance of the athlete represents interference or danger to the safety of athletes, the athlete can not participate in the contest if circumstances causing interference or danger are not corrected to the satisfaction of the referee.
All equipment and appearance it will be checked by the referee just before fight.
2.4.5. Cream and ointment
It is forbidden for athlete to apply any oil, cream or ointment to the body.
The exception is an ointment (vaseline) which is applied only just before entering the ring / cage on the face of the athlete to avoid the mites, in the presence of the referee (by licensed cutman).
Excessive use of greace on the face of the athlete is forbidden.
The athlete or his second has to have the ointment (vaseline) approved by the attending physician.
2.5. Place, time and equipment for contests
The place and time of the competition, including all planned events (press conference, weigh-in, photo shoots and others) is determined by the organizers, at their discretion, based on an evaluation of the criteria ensuring a successful and effective competition.
The organizer notifies participants in advance about the place and time of the competition, as a rule, when signing the contract. If the time or place of any part of the competition remains unknown or is subject to change, the competitors must be notified in the shortest possible time.
The place of competitions has to be equipped with the equipment, the hall, locker rooms, places for the audience, entrances exits, the parking, the system of fire safety and other elements, necessary for competitions.
2.5.1. The hall (what has to have – a place for the physician, officials, a locker room exits, entrances and many other)
The hall except for the cage / ring should be equipped with seats for the judging staff, a place (table) for medical personnel, a separate zone for spectators, passages (exits and entrances must be free), and also a zone for the contestant\’s contest.
All technical elements should be installed in such a way as to minimize the area of intersection with the aisles and places intended for participants of the competition. The intersections of technical elements with these zones should be isolated and marked out for attention.
2.5.2. Ring
The organizer notifies in advance the participants of the competition about the type of ring used, as a rule, when signing the contract. If the ring is subject to change, the competitors must be notified in the shortest possible time.
Fights are held in an octagonal ring on a platform with two entrances for mixed martial arts. The platform consists of a steel frame, plywood flooring, polyurethane foam mats and PVC coating. The construction of the platform is a regular octagon, the tops of which have poles. The posts are fastened to metal trusses, on which are plywood sheets and mats. On top of the platform is covered with a coating of PVC fabric 650 kg / m2. The docking parts of the platform are closed with a PVC cloth. On the sides of the platform there are metal frames with a polymer-coated metal net stretched over them to protect the athletes from injuries. The ring has 8.0 meters in diameter, 2.0 meters in height (cell height), set 1.0 meters above the floor level.
Fights can be held in a square ring, measuring 8.00 X 8.00 meters, height 1.20 meters, on the sides, covered with 5 ropes wrapped in soft material. The covering of the quadrangular ring is carried out in the same way as the octagonal ring.
Any metal part of the ring, with the exception of the grid, must be covered with a suitable protective coating.
There should be no elements on any part of the ring representing a danger to the athletes during the contest.
On the floor of the ring is installed a coating absorbing / softening blows at least 2.5 cm thick.
One of the corners must have a blue notation, opposite to it another angle must have a red notation.
Near the corner of each fighter, from the outside of the ring, there will be two chairs for two seconds, and also, a special chair for resting the fighter between the rounds.
The ring and all used chairs are thoroughly cleaned or replaced after each battle, if necessary, between rounds..
2.5.3. Additional technical equipment.
During the contests will be carried out video recording, with the ability to instantly watch the repetition of the contest.
Athletes go to the contest under the music, approved by the organizer. Athletes can offer the organizer of the competition music (song) to enter the contest.
Separately appointed personnel should ensure the cleaning of the ring, and if necessary, at the request of the referee, provide the necessary equipment and supplies.
In the locker rooms and during the fight, the organizer will provide the athletes with clean drinking water.
3.1. Format and maintaining contest of contests
3.1.1. Duration of contests
Duration of contests is 3 (three) rounds 5 (five) minutes everyone with a break between rounds of 1 (one) minute.
If, after the end of the contest, the winner is not identified, an additional extra round of 5 (five) minutes may be assigned;
In the title fights the duration of the fight will be 5 (five) rounds for 5 (five) minutes each with a break between rounds of 1 (one) minute, without an extra round.
3.1.2. Maintaining duel
Athletes go into the contest zone according to the scenario established by the organizers.
Before going into the contest zone, the appointed referee, checks the outfit and appearance of the athlete. Under its control is applied vaseline on the face of the athlete, according to the established rules.
When entering into the contest zone, the athlete welcomes the competitors, takes his corner and waits for the referee\’s order to start the contest.
The referee checks each athlete for knowledge of the rules and understanding of his commands/orders by deciding the following questions: Do you know the rules? You must listen to my commands/orders, do you understand me? An athlete\’s answer “Yes” is sufficient.
After checking the athletes, the referee occupies the center of the fight zone.
After the announcement of all planned announcements of the organizers, the Referee by signaling checks the judges, the timekeeper and each athlete for readiness to start the contest and announces the beginning of the round.
Only the referee\’s commands/orders are a signal for the athletes to start and end the round, pause, resume or end the fight.
The round lasts 5 minutes, the signal about the expiration of which is the gong signal.
During a duel, the referee watches the athletes\’ honest observance of these rules, as well as the moments that require stopping or stopping the match.
During a duel, the referee takes such a position that it will be convenient for him to perform his duties and will not prevent athletes from performing technical actions..
The referee at his own discretion, assesses the actions of athletes and in accordance with these rules, takes the athletes to investigate violations of the rules, calls them to activity, stops the fight to raise and / or bring the athletes to the middle of the battle zone.
The stop and the beginning of the fight occurs only on the commands of the referee (Stop and Fight).
An athlete during the contest may signal the surrender and termination of the contest by patting with the hand (in exceptional cases with his foot) the carpet or rival and / or giving a clear sound or other signal, the word clearly meaning the end of the contest. Cries are allowed and are not considered to be a surrender signal.
After the end of all rounds, the results of the contest are calculated and the winner is announced.
3.1.3. A pause between contest rounds
The pause between rounds makes 1 (one) minute.
The beginning and the end of a pause between rounds is declared by gong and is duplicated by the referee commands/orders (stop and fight).
The athlete has the right to use the technical means provided by the organizers.
The athlete, as well as his team during a pause between rounds is prohibited:
– use any liquids and food, except clean water;
– apply to the athlete\’s body any oils or creams;
– pour water or soil the surface of the ring / cage;
– to be more than three people, not counting the athlete, in the fighting zone;
At the end of the pause, the athlete must be ready to continue the fight, and his team must leave the fighting zone.
3.2. Allowed technique
3.2.1. General provisions
Athletes are fighting to defeat an opponent using striking and wrestling techniques permitted by these rules.
During the fight, athletes are required to follow the rules, listen and execute the referee\’s commands.
Athletes are obliged to lead the fight actively. In the case of the “Activity” referee command, athletes must activate their actions.
The position “Ground” is the position of the athlete if his knee, hip, elbow, shoulder, head, body or both hands touches the floor. In the case of only one hand touching the floor, not counting the stop, the athlete is considered standing.
Stance is the position on one or two legs (foot of legs) without or by means of one hand.
The athlete is deemed to be as grounded fighter in case he is in any position, except the position on one or two legs (feet feet) without or with the help of one hand.
Athletes are obliged to use in a duel only those techniques that are allowed by these rules, which they know, worked out in training and in safety, which, they are sure.
Athletes are obliged to realize the risk of using this or that technique by a sportsman or his opponent, and also to ensure maximum safety during the contest.
3.2.2. Allowed strikes
Athletes are allowed to strike:
• arms: hands, fist, palm, forearm, elbow; shoulder;
• legs: foot, shin, knee, thigh; heel;
Only impacts having a lateral trajectory are permitted. (Elbows from bottom to top and from top to bottom are forbidden)
Organizers have the right to exclude the use of elbows in striking technique in a particular contest. The exclusion and prohibition of the use of elbows in striking technique also leads to the exclusion, prohibition of the use of the forearm in the striking technique.
If changes have been made to the use of elbows in a contest, athletes must be notified in advance or in the shortest possible time.
If the athletes have been notified of the absence of elbows in a contest, without their mutual consent, the organizer does not have the right to include the use of elbows in the contest.
3.2.3. Area of striking blows
If the athlete is standing (standup), then his opponent is allowed to strike:
• On the head (except for the neck, throat, fontanel and neck) – hands and feet;
• on the body (except for the spine and inguinal area) – hands and feet;
• feet and hands – hands and feet;
If the athlete is grounded, then his opponent is allowed to strike:
• on the head (except for the neck, throat, fontanel and neck) – only with hands (no kicks on the head!);
• on the body (except for the spine and inguinal area) – hands and feet;
• feet and hands – hands and feet;
3.2.4. Authorized wrestling technique
Athletes may use permitted wrestling techniques to transfer an opponent to the ground clinch, hold him, take advantage of a position to strike and / or complete the match.
Athletes are allowed to use captures, throws, swings, flips, slams, painful and suffocating tricks.
A painful technique is the capture of an opponent\’s arm or leg, which allows for bending, rotation in the joint, infringement of the tendons or muscles, and forces the opponent to admit to being defeated in order to avoid injury.
A stifling technique is considered to be a grip aimed at squeezing the carotid arteries, throat or diaphragm of an opponent, as a result of which the opponent loses consciousness or is forced to surrender.
It is allowed to hold the painful tricks and suffocating grips in any position in standing up or clinching on the ground.
Carrying out a painful reception and a suffocating capture must be stopped at the signal of the referee, as soon as the opponent gives the signal for surrender, will be injured incompatible with the safe continuation of the fight, or lose consciousness.
Athletes in order to release from captures can apply pressure on the head, throat, neck, body and extremities of the opponent. Pressing is allowed to be performed with an open palm, forearm and knee. The knee is not allowed to press on the open part of the face.
3.2.5. Allowed painful and suffocating receptions
Painful receptions may be performed by bending, twisting (twisting) the joints or infringing the opponent\’s soft tissues.
It is allowed to apply painful techniques on the arm – levers and knots, affecting the wrist, elbow and shoulder joints, as well as infringement of the shoulder and forearm.
It is allowed to carry painful techniques on the leg – the lever of the knee and ankle joint, infringement of the Achilles tendon and gastrocnemius muscle, knot of the foot, twisting the heel and other actions causing pain in the ankle, knee, hip joints, and soft foot tissues.
It is allowed to apply painful receptions on the spine except for those that bend the spine in the opposite direction.
It is allowed to carry out suffocating tricks with the grip of the neck with one hand, with two hands, with two hands through the opponent\’s hand, with the neck being seized by legs without crossing, by gripping the neck with crossed legs, and grabbing the body with crossed legs.
Athletes should be aware that painful techniques on the leg and on the spine are traumatic, because the point of their impact is a relatively fragile ligament of the knee and ankle or spine. In connection with this, the performance of these painful techniques in competitions must be conducted carefully and smoothly, and should be immediately terminated at the command of the referee.
3.3. Prohibited technique
3.3.1. General provisions
To athletes it is forbidden:
a) to conduct a passive, fictitious or contractual fight with the opponent;
b) during the contest (from the beginning of the 1st round to the end of the contest) to speak with the opponent, speak with obscene words;
c) simulate knockout, knockdown or injury;
d) succumb to the opponent at the reception;
e) use doping and alcohol;
f) apply any foreign matter to the hair, body or equipment to obtain an advantage;
g) perform actions aimed at obtaining an unsportsmanlike injury (see definition) or actions aimed at deliberately causing injury (biting oneself, scratching, breaking fingers, etc.);
h) attack an opponent under the care of the referee or after the end-of-round signal was sounded;
i) It is forbidden to insert fingers into any holes on the opponent\’s body, pinch, rotate, tear his flesh;
j) beat or pressure the eyes of an opponent with fingers, legs, chin or elbow;
k) it is forbidden to bite the opponent, scratch, grab, pull and hold the opponent by the hair, ears, nose, face or groin;
l) go outside the cage or ring, before the end of the fight (before the announcement / awarding of the winner), push, throw the opponent out of the cage or ring;
m) committing unsporting acts that can lead to injuries of the opponent;
n) attempting to perform and imitate prohibited techniques;
o) violate the moral and ethical standards of conduct;
p) does not respect his opponent and his team, including spitting, etc .;
q) ignore the instructions of the referee;
r) interfere with the judging process and argue with the judges;
3.3.2. Forbidden striking technique
To athletes it is forbidden:
a)kick (stop, glance, knee or thigh) in the head of the grounded fighter;
b) head-butts;
c) apply vertical elbow strikes to the head;
d) to strike: in the groin, in the neck, throat, spine, back of the head;
e) strikes with open fingers( fingers pointed forward) or sticking them towards the opponents face in close distance or eye poke;
f) jump with your feet, knees or elbows on a seated or lying opponent;
g) stomp on the lying opponent;
h) push the opponent\’s head to hit it against the floor, net or other surface.
3.3.3. Prohibited wrestling technique
To athletes it is forbidden:
a) hold to the net, for the soft parts of the ring, as well as for the outfit and clothing of the opponent;
b) throw the opponent on the exposed knee;
c) use throws and tricks that stick a opponent head vertically into the carpet (a deflection roll is permitted);
d) grab an opponent by the throat, ears, hair and no spiking;
e) grab, hold the opponent by the fingers (less than 3 fingers);
f) pinch your fingers or twist the opponent\’s flesh (skin and muscles);
g) press the knee against the open part of the face;
3.3.4. Prohibited painful and suffocating receptions
To athletes it is forbidden:
a) conduct painful techniques on the fingers and toes;
b) strangling an opponent with his fingers;
c) carry out painful techniques on the spine, bend it in the opposite direction;
d) pull the neck or spine of an opponent, while making oscillatory movements (twist your neck or chafe an opponent) when he is in a dangling state and is torn from the floor;
e) carry out a painful reception, with excessive cruelty or aggression;
f) continue to perform painful reception or strangulation after the stop referee command or the end-of-round signal.
3.4. Violations of the rules during the contest
3.4.1. General points for violations
Infringement of rules by an athlete during the contest can lead to one or a combination of the following consequences: a remark, an official remark, a warning, a disqualification, and also: stopping (pausing) the contest, losing a favorable position, losing a score from the round results, awarding a victory to an opponent, the recognition of the bout failed.
The referee at his own discretion determines whether or not there has been a violation of the rules, assesses the severity of the violation, and decides what effect will be applied to the athlete.
In case of violation of the rules, the Referee must take the following actions: 1) stop the contest, announce a time-out, 2) stop the actions of the offending sportsman and send him to the neutral corner, explaining what his actions were in violation of the rules 3) check the athlete\’s condition, 4) then assess the violation of the rules by applying to the athlete the offender the above consequences.
In case of violation of the rules in the form of a net hook (rope), equipment of an opponent, etc., the Referee will verbally warn the athlete about the violation. If the athlete continues to hook, the Referee takes action to stop the violation, not helping the opponent and not stopping the fight. If the competitor intentionally violates the rules in the same way and infringes the rules, the Referee has the right to take the consequences described in the above paragraph of these rules.
In special cases, the Referee has the right to refer to the help of the judging panel to determine the degree of guilt and the need to apply one or another consequence of the violation (disqualification of the athlete).
The athlete who suffered from the violation can be given time up to 5 minutes to recover from the violation. If the athlete declares that he can continue the fight before the expiration of the allotted time, the referee must resume the match as soon as possible. If after 5 minutes the athlete has not recovered and can not continue the contest, the contest must end with the result determined by part 3.5 of these rules.
The referee can bring a doctor to help the victim from violating the athlete and determine if the injured athlete can continue the fight. The doctor has time to 5 minutes to assist the athlete and determine whether he can continue the fight. If the doctor determines that the athlete can continue the fight, the referee must resume the fight as soon as possible. Time allocated for examination by a doctor and restoration of an athlete after a violation in the amount should not exceed 5 minutes.
In the event that an accidental violation of the rules results in injury to the athlete, the Referee must determine if the injured athlete can continue the fight. If the chance to win the injured athlete was not seriously compromised as a result of an accidental violation, the Referee may continue the fight after the expiration of the time allotted for recovery, not more than 5 minutes.
If the referee announces the continuation of the fight, the athlete must continue the fight regardless of whether the time allocated for the recovery has expired or not.
If a violation of the rules occurs when the opponent conducts a combination of technical actions and strikes, or the athlete is in the ground in the bottom position, and his opponent has not suffered from the violation – the fight will continue. The referee verbally notifies the violator\’s athlete of the violation. When the athletes move to the standing position, at a convenient moment the referee will assess the violation.
The fight is terminated if, as a result of the violation, the Referee considers that the athlete can not continue the fight or after the time of up to 5 minutes given for examination by the doctor or for restoration, the contest can not be resumed. The result of the match will be determined in accordance with part 3.5 of these rules.
3.4.2. Remarks, warning and disqualification
A remark is a negative evaluation of an athlete\’s actions, warning him of a minor violation of his rules, but in the event of a repetition, it is possible to apply the corollaries to him. The remark does not affect the evaluation of the round and does not affect the determination of the winner with equal score.
An official comment is a negative evaluation of the actions of an athlete, exposed for violation of the rules of the fight. The official comment does not affect the evaluation of the round, but if necessary, determining the winner with equal score is important.
In total for a contest, the sportsman can be taken out not one official remark for violation of these Rules. If there is a situation in which the athlete must be punished by a second official remark, a warning is issued to the athlete.
Warning – this is a negative evaluation, exposed to the athlete for a serious violation of these rules. The warning is always accompanied by the removal of one or two balls from the athlete (in the event of a serious injury to the opponent) in this round. The warning is also taken into account when it is necessary to determine the winner with equal account.
In total, for a contest an athlete can be given no more than two warnings for violation of these Rules. If there is a situation in which the athlete must be punished with the third warning, he is disqualified in this match.
Disqualification – the removal of an athlete from a contest with the cancellation of his result for violation of the rules of the contest, competition rules or points of the contract for participation in the competition.
If during the fight one of the sportsmen is disqualified, the contest ceases. The round is evaluated using the same criteria as the evaluation of other rounds up to the time when the effect of which resulted in the disqualification of the athlete occurred. The result of the fight will be a technical solution (victory-defeat or recognition of the contest as no contest):
– if the disqualification occurred in the first round of the match – the contest is recognized as no contest;
– if the disqualified sportsman lost or the account was equal on results of rounds, and the contest is recognized as taken place, the sportsman to the infringer is awarded the technical defeat;
– if the disqualified sportsman conducted a contest on the basis of rounds, then the contest is recognized as not taken place.
3.5. Injuries and consequences (what if there is a trauma to the athlete)
In this part, a serious injury should be understood as the injury received by the athlete, sufficient in the opinion of the referee to stop the fight.
If during the fight the athlete will receive a serious injury, as a result of his opponent\’s diligent technical actions, the athlete will lose by technical knockout.
If an athlete injures himself by trying to spoil the results of a duel, the judge should not take any action in his favor, and the injury must be treated in the same way as a trauma caused by an honest blow
If during a duel as a result of a violation of the rules the injured athlete will receive a serious injury and the duel will be stopped, the result of the duel will be:
– if the injured sportsman conducted a duel at the end of the rounds, the offender is awarded a technical defeat;
– If the injured athlete lost or the score was equal to the results of the rounds then the result of the fight is a technical draw.
If, during a duel as a result of an intentional violation of the rules, the injured athlete is seriously injured and the Referee allows continuation of the fight, the Referee must remove the two (2) points from the offender\’s athlete when assessing the violation.
If during the fight one of the sportsmen was seriously injured as a result of an accidental violation of the rules and the match can not be continued, the duel ceases. The round is evaluated using the same criteria as the evaluation of other rounds up to the point where the incomplete round is stopped. The result of the duel will be a technical solution (victory-defeat or draw) based on the results of the rounds assessment of the duel including the round in which the injury occurred. If the injury occurred in the first two rounds in three round matches or in the first three rounds in five round matches – a duel is recognized as failed.
Incomplete rounds, the rounds in which the injury occurred and the duel was terminated, should be evaluated using the same criteria as the full round evaluation until the specified partial round is stopped. Incomplete rounds are taken into account as well as other rounds in making a technical decision.
4.1. General provisions
The officials composition of the competition consist the head official, the referee, three lateral judges ,timekeeper ,the pit referee ( checking out fighter and equipment, cut team member, the secretary and additional staff providing support for officials.
The work of the judiciary is independent, neutral and can not be influenced by competitors.
Each fight will be serviced by a licensed referee-judge who ensures compliance with the rules by athletes during the fight, fixes and assesses violations, surrender and other important points of the match.
All fights are evaluated by three judges (lateral judges) located on different sides of the cage / ring. The lateral judges according to the established criteria, analyze the technical actions of the athletes and, at the end of the round, make an appropriate assessment according to the established rating system. At the conclusion of the match, each lateral judge counts the sums awarded by him for the rounds and determines the winner.
The Chief Judge, on the basis of the notes provided by the judges, decides on the contest.
The referee will raise the winner\’s hand when the result of the match is announced publicly by the appropriate person.
4.2. The rating system
The score of 10 points is the maximum score, which is given for one round. Below ten points are given depending on the criteria of judging, usually 10 points are given to the one who won the round, and 9 points or less are given to the losing opponent, with rare exception, when the match is equal and the score is estimated at 10-10.
The following examples are given as samples (in the absence of warnings from athletes) to be used by the side judges when the round is judged:
– The round is scored with a score of 10-10, when both athletes acted on an equal basis and not one of them clearly dominated;
– The round is evaluated with a score of 10-9, when one of the athletes showed himself better than the opponent, dealt more blows, or attempts to move to the ground or showed dominance in the fight;
– The round is scored with a score of 10-8, when one of the athletes with his arsenal of used techniques dominated the overwhelming round time and the rival did not create a particular threat to him;
– The round is scored with a score of 10-7, when one of the athletes dominates the entire round, while causing significant damage to the opponent, and the rival did not create any threat to him.
In the event that during the round the referee announces a warning to one of the athletes with the removal of one or two points, when assessing the round, this athlete is subtracted one or two points, respectively.
Only the referee can announce the penalty point deduction of the athlete\’s score. If the referee does not announce the removal of the score, the judges should not do it themselves and should not take this into account in their calculations.
At the end of the match, the judge counts the sums awarded for the rounds and determines the winner.
In the case of an incomplete round as a consequence of serious injury, the round is judged on the basis of the same criteria as in a full round.
In the event that the athletes on the outcome of rounds of the match have the same score and it is necessary to determine the winner, the possibility of an additional round and draw is excluded, the judges consider the number of official remarks and warnings announced to the athletes. The winner is the one who has the least number of warnings, and in case of their equality, the least amount of official comments. If after the calculation of official remarks and warnings the winner of the contest is not determined, the judges are awarded a victory to that athlete who, in their opinion, showed great initiative and the will to win (the choice is mandatory).
The Chief Judge, on the basis of his notes provided by the lateral judges, makes a final decision regarding the contest.
4.3. Criteria of judging
The lateral judges analyze the technical actions of the athletes and determine with respect to each athlete:
– – the effectiveness of fighting standing (striking);;
– – efficiency of transfer to the ground and wrestling in the ground (grappling);
– – control of the ring center;
– -determination of the athlete.
The effectiveness of fighting standing is judged depending on the quantity and quality of the used strike technique: correct / permissible strikes, the use of protection against attacks, the effectiveness of protection against transfers to the ground, the control of the clinch;
The effectiveness of grappling is judged taking into account the quantity and quality of the techniques used: throws, transfers to the opponent\’s ground, coups, painful and suffocating tricks, getting out of dangerous positions and positions, and keeping the opponent in the ground using striking technique.
The control of the ring is judged by identifying whoever sets the rhythm of the contest and controls the center of the fight zone.
Indicator of determination is, pressure on the opponent through strikes and kicks, as well as attempts to transfer the opponent to the ground.
When assessing the effectiveness of striking technique, the strikes that caused significant damage to the opponent have the advantage.
When evaluating the effectiveness of the transfer of an opponent to the ground, the advantage is the amplitude shots, then the transfers that ended with the dominant position in the ground or the exit to the painful reception, and, lastly, the transfers after which the opponent immediately got in the stance or counter-attacked the athlete who made the transfer.
When assessing the effectiveness of the struggle in the parter (grappling), the attacking actions of the athletes (exits to painful and suffocating tricks, blows causing significant damage to the opponent, coups) are advantageous, then the opponent\’s control by taking a more advantageous position (position of the mount, position from the back) and into the last turn holding an opponent in the parter by striking.
In case of mutual initiative of transfer to the ground (when both athletes fall into the same positions or both simultaneously carry out technical action to transfer the opponent to the ground), the transfer is counted only for the athlete who, at the end of the action, took the dominant position
When assessing the effectiveness of technique are not evaluated:
– strikes that do not damage the opponent;
– occupied positions of the athlete\’s struggle in the ground (from the top or bottom);
– is not considered a transfer to the ground, if the opponent himself sits on the ground;
– is not considered a transfer to the ground, if the opponent first showed the initiative to go to the painful reception of the athlete by dragging him into the ground, an exception if the athlete at the same time makes an amplitude throw.
In the case when the athletes work out the vast majority of the round time in the ground, the efficiency of transfer to the pit and wrestling (grappling) then, the effectiveness of the standing fight (striking) and, last but not least, the control of the ring center and the determination of the athletes.
In the case when the athletes work out the overwhelming majority of the round\’s time in the standup – the advantage is the effectiveness of the fighting standing (striking) then, the control of the ring center and the determination of the athletes and, last but not least, the efficiency of transfer to the ground and wrestling (grappling).
In the event that the athletes practice approximately the same amount of round time in both the stand up and the ground, the control of the center of the ring and the determination of the athletes then have the advantage, the effectiveness of the standing fight (striking) and the efficiency of transfer to the pit and wrestling (grappling).
5.1. End of the contest
The referee announces the end of the contest in the following cases:
– completed all rounds of the fight;
– Knockout occurred or one of the athletes lost consciousness;
– one of the fighters submitted, using a conditional action (tapping on the carpet or on the opponent\’s hand or foot, or the expression of delivery orally);
– The athlete or his angular second indicates that the contest must been stopped and ended;
– according to the referee, the injury received by one of the athletes represents a serious danger to the health of the athlete in the event of continuing the fight;
– the athlete receives significant damage, cannot effectively defend himself and in the opinion of the referee, the continuation of the fight will lead to a serious injury of the athlete (knockout);
– according to the referee, one of the athletes is clearly and significantly superior in the opponent\’s technique, while the opponent does not provide any threat to the athlete and does not show effective protection;
– one of the athletes refused to continue the fight;
– one of the athletes is disqualified;
– due to unforeseen circumstances that prevent the continuation of the fight.
At the conclusion of the match, the chief judge of the competition decides on the contest: recognizes the contest as held or not, determines the winner, the loser or the draw.
Victory – the athlete won the contest on the basis of rounds
Defeat – the sportsman lost the contest on the basis of rounds
Draw – as a result of the fight there is no winner.
No contest. A contest is considered not to have taken place if one of the athletes:
– did not come to the fight;
– not allowed to participate in the fight;
– refused to participate in the upcoming fight;
– disqualified in the first round of the match;
– received in the first two rounds in three round fights or in the first three rounds in five round bouts the injury excluding the possibility of continuing the fight
– in other cases provided by these rules.
Victory, defeat or draw is recognized as technical if the contest was ended due to injury, disqualification or refusal of one of the athletes.
Victory, defeat is considered clean (early) if the fight was finished before the end of the pain or stifling reception, technical or clean knockout.
Victory, defeat or tie is considered by the decision of the judges if it is based on judicial notes.
5.2. Results of the contest
The result of the contest can be:
Voluntary surrender (verbal submission): the fighter clearly taps open palm or fingers on the mat or opponent because of the opponent\’s painful or suffocating reception. Verbal (verbal) surrender is also permissible.
B. Knockout (KO): A fighter is unconscious as a result of an authorized strike.
C. Technical knockout (TKO): stopping a fight by a third person as a result of losing one of the fighters the ability to continue the fight. Technical knockouts can be divided into three categories:
a. Stop referee (referee stoppage). The referee decides that one of the fighters can not meaningfully defend themselves, and stops the fight.
b. Stop by the doctor (the doctor present near the ring decides that the continued involvement of one of the fighters puts the life or health of this participant at risk, for example, trauma or heavy bleeding)
c. Stop the athlete (Fighter stoppage). The athlete refuses to continue the contest
d. Stop “angle” (Corner stoppage). The angular second of the fighter signals the stop of the fight.
D. Judicial decision (Decision). Depending on scoring, the fight may end:
a. Unanimous decision (Unanimous decision). All three judges give preference to fighter A.
b. The decision of the majority (Majority decision). Two judges award a victory to the fighter A, one judge awards a draw.
c. Separate decision (Split decision). Two judges award a victory to the fighter A, one judge awards a victory to the fighter B.
d. Unanimous draw (Draw). Three judges award a draw.
e. Draw by majority decision (Majority draw) Two judges award a draw, one – a victory.
f. Separate draw (Split draw). One judge awards a fighter A, one judge awards a fighter B, one judge awards a draw.
E. The fight may also result in a technical decision, disqualification, cancellation, technical draw or the recognition of the fight not held (no contest). The last two options do not have a winner.
All participants are required to comply with these rules, the rules provided for by law, as well as the conditions and obligations provided for in the contract or other agreed acts.
6.1. Organizers of the contests
Organizers of contests
– solve common organizational issues;
– set the scenario of the contest;
– negotiate and invite athletes to participate in the contest;
– determine the composition of pairs of contests and the order (sequence) of their performance;
– appoint the officials team of the contest;
– provide necessary participants of the contest.
The organizers of the contest have the rights provided for by these rules, including changing, supplementing the rules of the contest or individual fights.
The organizers of the contest have no right to influence the judiciary in order to influence their decisions in the contest (s).
The contest of pairs of participants in the contest is determined by the organizer of the matches depending on the status of the contest, the scheme of the fights, the level of the athletes and their regional affiliation.
The draw is conducted to determine the composition of pairs of participants according to the scheme “Four” or “Eight”.
According to the decision of the organizers of the contest, the draw of the athletes can be carried out by the established method by the main judge of the contests, after the passage of the members of the credentials committee and weighing. The organizer of fights has the right to independently determine the composition of the pairs of participants of the “Four” or “Eight”, as well as “Super Fights”.
6.2. Chief referee
The chief referee checks and ensures the correct organization and conduct of fights.
The chief referee of the competition checks, represents and is responsible for the work of the judging staff at the competitions.
In order to ensure the observance of the rules by the participants of the competitions and the proper work of the officials, the chief referee of the competitions before fights conducts an overall review of the rules, a technical meeting.
As a rule, a technical meeting is held immediately after the weighing procedure.
The Chief referee of the competition decides all disputes related to the rules of the competition, as well as their non-compliance, violation of its participants.
The chief referee of the competition accepts appeals concerning violations committed by the participants in the competition and the decisions taken on them.
The chief referee of the competitions has the right to suspend or disqualify the competitor.
At the end of the rounds of the match, the chief referee of the competition takes a decision regarding the match.
If the head judge considers that one of the judges made big mistake in scoring rounds of the fight, he has right to exclude and not to take into account his score sheet when deciding the winner of the fight.
The chief judge of the competitions, as well as the lateral judge according to the established criteria, analyzes the technical actions of the athletes and, at the end of the round, makes an appropriate assessment according to the established rating system. The score sheet filled out by the Chief Judge is taken into account when determining the winner only if the scoring sheet of one of the judges was expelled.
6.3. Referee
Each fight will be serviced by a licensed referee;
The referee will be dressed in a shirt and trousers, and shoe in soft shoes, so that he does not cause any damage or discomfort to the athletes or the ring;
During the contest, the referee takes such a position that it will be convenient for him to perform his obligations and will not prevent athletes from performing technical actions.
During the fight, the Referee monitors the fair adherence of the athletes to these rules, as well as the moments that require the stoppage or termination of the contest.
The referee physically will be able to always be ready near the fighters to intervene if necessary, thus ensuring the highest safety for the athletes;
The referee must ensure that:
– both athletes are adequately protected;
– unauthorized techniques for creating advantages have not been applied;
– athletes know and follow the rules;
The referee first of all ensures the safety of the athletes, and immediately stops the fight if:
– The athlete or his angular seconds signal about the stop and the termination of the fight;
– one of the participants is too superior to the other and there is a risk of injury;
– The athlete receives significant damage, can not effectively defend himself and in the opinion of the referee, the continuation of the fight will lead to serious injury to the athlete (knockout).
The Referee is the only person who has been given the right to decide, intentionally or not intentionally, has violated the rules, and determine the punishment to the athlete, depending on the severity of the violation and the extent of damage to the health of the opponent;
The referee at his own discretion assesses the actions of athletes and in accordance with these rules, takes the athletes to investigate violations of the rules, calls them to activity, stops the fight to raise and / or bring the athletes to the middle of the fight zone.
The referee will disqualify the competitor if the participant or his trainer knowingly, seriously or repeatedly violates the rules;
The referee will stop the fight if:
– one of the participants uses unauthorized techniques;
– one of the participants violates the rules;
– something was thrown into the ring,;
– the angular second of the athlete throws a towel or something similar in the ring;
– when the signal of the signifier of the end of the round sounds
In case of injury or violation of the rules, the referee may pause at intervals of up to five (5) minutes to examine the condition of the injured party, and to determine if he can continue in safe conditions. The referee may call a sports doctor to help him in determining the status of the participant.
If it is impossible to continue the fight after a pause of maximum five minutes, the contest ends and the result will be determined according to the rules.
In case of violation, one of the rules that consists of striking with a hand or foot in the groin, at the request of the participant, the referee gives him a pause of up to five minutes to recover.
The referee will raise the hand of the winning fighter when the result of the match is announced publicly by the relevant person.
6.4. Lateral judges
Each duel will be judged / assessed by three lateral licensed judges;
The lateral judges should be located separately from the public and at a distance from each other from different sides of the cage / ring .;
The lateral judges must remain neutral during the contest;
In the event that one of the judges reveals a violation of the rules, he will notify the referee during the next pause;
The lateral judges according to the established criteria, analyze the technical actions of the athletes and, at the end of the round, make an appropriate assessment according to the established rating system. The work of the lateral judges is independent, neutral and can not be influenced by the competitors.
The lateral judges will charge points for each round on the scorecard (judge note). The score sheet will be filled by the judge independently and without contact with other lateral judges or any other person. The evaluation will be clearly included in the evaluation sheet;
At the conclusion of the match, each lateral judge counts the sums awarded by him for the rounds and determines the winner.
At the end of each fight, the lateral judges must provide the score sheets with the secretary;
The lateral judges do not have the right to leave their place before the contest is over and its result is announced.
6.5. Judge-timekeeper
The timekeeper provides the correct report and synchronization of rounds, pauses / pauses between rounds and stop-time pauses during contests;
The timekeeper shall notify the competitors by submitting an appropriate signal when:
– the beginning of each round;
– the round time expired;
– remain ten seconds before the end of the round;
– remain fifteen seconds before the end of the pause between rounds;
– remain fifteen seconds before the end of the time allocated for the timeout;
– the time of the timeout for the timeout expired.
The timekeeper stops the time record of the round on the referee\’s command “stop time”, and resumes it at the command of the referee-judge “fight”
The timekeeper fixes the stoppage time of the contest, which is subsequently entered into the protocol of the contest (competition).
6.6. Secretary
Secretary of the competition
– ensures the work of the judiciary,
– keeps the minutes of the competitions
– monitors the implementation of the scenario set by the organizers
– perform other necessary actions.