Undefeated Moldavian fighter, Alexander Romanov against the invincible Brazilian, Sergio Freitas.

One of the most exciting fights of the tournament on February 16th will be a super heavyweight bout. In which real titans of MMA world will meet up.
Undefeated Moldavian fighter, Alexander Romanov against the invincible Brazilian, Sergio Freitas.
Romanov has a flawless record of 10-0, 8 wins happened within EAGLES project while he is also the interim champion in the heavyweight division. He is the only unbeaten super heavyweight fighter of the Moldavian MMA.
As for his current opponent, Sergio Freitas, he has some victories in his arsenal as well. He had 6 fights and won every single one of them. Meaning, this fight is a new test for Romanov. Do not miss the chance to see firsthand how the history of MMA is being written right in the EAGLES 11 cage
EAGLES 11 Super heavyweight bout. (Brazil) Sergio Fretas vs Alexander Romanov (Moldova)
Chisinau, Manej Arena. Info line – 079406906 . Online tickets – afisha.md.