Young fighters ready for battle in the EAGLES VII tournament

Within the framework of the seventh tournament EAGLES in the first part of the ELIMINATION TOURNAMENT will be both beginners and fighters who have already had 1 fight in the cage. The tournament will open the duel of Mezdry Nicholas against Dumitru Ciobanu.
Mezdrya already fought in the cage EAGLES, but lost ahead of schedule. His opponent Ciobanu will be released into the octagon for the first time. I am very grateful for the opportunity to prove myself in the upcoming tournament, I will not repeat the mistakes of the past Nikolai Mezdrya.
Also Vasily Suprovich who is also ready to prove himself, who also conducted one unsuccessful fight against Sergei Otsel, the fight was also completed ahead of schedule. But Suprovich is a fairly strong-willed fighter and does not intend to retreat.
In the first part of the show he will go against the Spaniard Tarik Lamagali. I will try for the sake of victory, for the sake of a beautiful battle. Are you ready to get a tariq in the nose? joked Supervich.
Dumitru Bostan, who won the pain of Roman Yatskov, this time the duel with the representative of the club MMA Academy Konstantin Gnusarev. Dima is ready for 100% and it only remains to go out and show everything he worked on so hard, “Bostan said.
Coach and fighter Sergei Barbaroshe noted that the guys have a character and they do not rely on luck. Even if you are not talented, but constantly working and striving for your goal, it is absolutely necessary. Success and talent are 99% of the work – the question of Barbaroche.
The organizer of the EAGLES VII tournament is the FEA president Dorin Damir that young and beginning fighters are showing themselves better and better each time. I am confident that fights will be competitive and all spectators will not have to be bored.
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