Interview with Nicolai Scorohod, Pavel Pokatilov and FEA president Dorin Damir.

Nicolae Scorohod
I expect a not too difficult fight. This is because I work hard, I work
on the mat and standing-up as well. I am prepared, physically and morally.
Pavel Pocatilov
Nicu is the kind of guy who takes a huge effort. His potential lies in
his zeal. I don’t think I can tell exactly how many workouts a day he spends,
because he comes into the gym already warmed up and prepared. And moreover,
methinks he is working somewhere after. I suspect that he spends a lot of time on
himself. Nicolai comes from boxing, he was in a boxing school. His hands are collected, accurate and fast. Now
he pays great attention to the ground, he is skillful and excellent in
Dorin Damir
Nicolai Scorohod is a good fighter, I know him personally since he was
really young, when he was just starting being an athlete. He has a very good
boxing competence, everyone knows that he moved to the 93kg category. He
already had a fight in this division at EAGLES III. After that, he participated
in amateur fights and tournaments, where he presented himself well and
Pavel Pocatilov
Last year he became the champion in FILA version, also he came the
third at the World Championship, Feodor Emelianenko’s version this is the best
result for Moldova. If at the moment, maybe someone would say that he has a
competitor from one or another club, than I think after about a half of year,
there will be no competition anymore.
Dorin Damir
If we’re thinking about our Moldavian fighters, I think his rival would
be Cuțelaba. That’s because
they’re both in the same weight category, very spectacular fights, and I think
that in the near future we will see this fight right here in Chisinau.
Pavel Pocatilov
I would really like to see the fight between Nicu and Cuțelaba. Since
they are both hardworking, Cutțelaba already has experience, I would say this
experience as a pro is even bigger than Nicu’s. Instead, Nicu has diligence and
he learns very quickly from the older ones, he has from who he can learn. Therefore,
this fight would be very interesting, I\’ll be waiting for it with impatience.
Nicolae Scorohod
Scopul meu este fiu de
neînvins, să am doar câștiguri, să fiu cel mai bun. Sper ca în categoria mea se
va face și lupta pentru titlu. La antrenamente mă bazez mai mult pe lupta în
picioare. Pentru că vreau la orice adversar să-i fac knockout.
My goal is to be invincible, to have only victories, to be the best. I
hope there will be a title fight in my category. At training, I focus on
stand-up fighting, because I want to knockout every adversary.
Pavel Pocatilov
About Nicu’s fight, I can say I expect a knockout, as usual, the fight
should be over early. I expect once again to confirm our brand, and it is worth
paying attention to every next tournament, there will be a noticeable a growth.
Dorin Damir
The EAGLES project has its own specific plans that are scheduled for
this year. Three championship fights, a big tournament in June, EAGLES
EVOLUTION. As for the category of 93kg I can’t say exactly when, but I think
that next year we will play the championship belt in this weight category.