Interview with Daniel Filipschi, Octavian Orheianu and FEA president Dorin Damir.

My expectations for this fight are a one hundred percent victory, because I am preparing myself a lot and I will totally obtain it.
Octavian Orheianu :
Daniel Filipschi is a charismatic athlete, a disciplined sportsman and as he proved so far, he encountered in spectacular fights at EAGLES project. So we expect a nice battle. Daniel is ready. He is motivated and he will get a quite beautiful victory.
Daniel Filipschi :
The adversary is good, he has fights, but in the cage I will show him who is the coolest, I am preparing a surprise.
Dorin Damir :
About Daniel Filipschi you could say that he’s one of a kind. We discovered him at EAGLES 2 project. He’s a really great fighter, young, promising, ardent. He is always ready to fight, to show himself from a new perspective. Filipschi is a nonstandard fighter, he works very well standing up and on the mat, he’s an excellent showman, he is loved, people want to see him in the cage.
Octavian Orheianu
Yes, Daniel is an emotional sportsman, he dedicates himself for one hundred percent at training, he’s hard-working, he puts effort and we’ll see the results in the battle. Yes, each fight is a new step in his career as a fighter. Daniel’s goal is to become the champion of EAGLES project. We believe he will accomplish this objective.
Dorin Damir
At the moment, a good fight with one of the superstars in his weight category would be a “no”, but in the near future – a “yes”. We have plans for Filipschi, in the context of the final four in the 66 kg category we’ll hold in May. In which, Filipschi will surely participate as a contender. Perhaps, in fall we’ll put at stake the belt in this weight category. So time will tell for how long he’ll last and what kind of ardor he has.