Maxim Railean interview . KOK/BFC WORLD SERIES HERO’S 2013 tournament.


Интервью с Райлян Максимом участником FINAL 4 featherweight  KOK Europe cup

16th of November 2013 in Lithuania, Vilnius, Siemens arena will host an international KOK/BFC WORLD SERIES HERO’S 2013 tournament. For several years in a row this tournament is one of the elite and most famous martial arts tournaments in the world, preceding all other tournaments in Europe with its ability to impress.


This time it will feature fighters from Japan, Ireland, Holland, Germany, Russia, Moldova, Latvia, Poland and Lithuania.
This tournament will also feature 4 men featherweight  KOK Europe cup:
Deividas Danyla ( Lithuania )                                           
Massaro Glunder ( Holand )  
Martynas Danius  ( Lithuania)
Maxsim Railen ( Moldova )
Superfight weight +91kg
Bolotov Maxim ( Moldova ) vs MARTYNAS KNYZELIS ( Lithuania )