

FEA presents KOK WORLD GP 01.10.16



October 1st 2016 will become a remarkable day in the world of martial arts. KOK (King Of Kings) vol. 39 will comprise four fighters in the light heavyweight division up to 95kg that represent such countries as Ukraine, Turkey, Romania and the Republic of Moldova.Ukraine will be represented by a fighter who has already been on Chisinau ring. His name is Sergei Lubchenco. On the 19th of September 2014 he had a duel on the Chisinau ring against Pavel Voronin. Back then Sergei won by the decision of judges.


Gekhan Gedik is a Turkish representative trained in the Dutch club Mike Jim under the strict supervision of Mike Passenier. Last year was quite a successful one in his career. He can be proud of his wins over a number of very good fighters. He has great hands, which allow him to show good results in boxing. On March 19th this year, he fought against Sergei Masloboev, but lost by a unanimous decision of judges. For sure, in case of a victory in the top four, Gekhan will be able to ask for a fight for the belt and get even with Masloboev.


Danuts Hurduk is a fighter of a well-known club Scorpions from Iasi, Romania. On April 9th he won the fight against the Moroccan Chahboune in the Chisinau ring. Danuts is being trained by the famous Constantin Mihai. Among his sparring partners we can name such celebrities as Moroshanu, Ciobanu and Dorin Robert. Hurduk is one of the youngest and promising fighters in the light heavyweight division and he continues to prove this from day to day.


Republic of Moldova will be represented in four by Alexander Burduja. Adoptee of the Lyon club last year he became the winner of the VENUM tournament. Alexander has 9 fights on his account and the title of vice champion of VENUM WORLD SERIES 2015. In the last fight of the tournament on April 9th, he lost to a Czech rival Vasiliy Dukar. In the last match, Alexander started the fight very well and was on the verge to send the opponent in a knockout. However, one missed punch from Dukar shifted the balance and changed the whole match not in Burduja’s favor. But on October 1st he will rise again in the ring to win by applying all the work invested and experience obtained.


In the super heavyweight division match in the evening of the 1st of October we will see the famous former champion of KOK , Vladimir Toktasinov. This year in the title fight he lost the championship belt to the Lithuanian Juliy Motska. Tok is a very aggressive and unpredictable fighter. His matches always stand out against the others. His opponent is the most extravagant and charismatic Moldovan heavyweight fighter – Maxim Bolotov. Maxim always turns the audience on with his dances on the way to the ring. His series of victories are very enviable: for two and a half years he has only once lost by the decision of judges to the second heavyweight fighter, the world famous Benjamin Adegbui !!!


On October 1st we will see a fight with Nadejda Kantsyr – record 2-0. She is the KOK Women\’s League fighter thanks to whom the martial arts are gaining increasing popularity among women. As a result, the professional boxing sees new stars of the women\’s league lit.

Do not be afraid to fall, much scarier is not to rise and stop.

But the next fighter is not the timid one. Cristian Dorel started the year with a victory in Riga but showed relative results in China. After analysis of his mistakes, he is now ready for new challenges. He has his fans and the public is always looking forward to his performances.

So, October 1st, Manej Arena, Superight of up to 71kg.Alexander Prepelita is a young, hardy and promising Moldovan fighter in the category of up to 71kg with a record of 4-0. He had fought with the best foreign stars of K-1, and is ready to continue his unbeaten run. At the last tournament in a hard battle against the Polish K-1 star Lucas PLAVECKÝ, after the extra round, he snatched the draw. In the coming fight he will try to fix the results that he has already achieved.


Daniel Alexandru who has already won the recognition of fans in the KOK tournaments is ready to prove himself and show his skills. He as well graduated from the famous Club Scorpions, where he exercised with the best fighters. Daniel has incredible and devastating strikes that are ready to knock out anyone caught by his arm. Opponents treat him with respect and fans are always waiting for his appearance.



SAVE THE DATE: October 1st, 2016. Moldova, Chisinau, Manej Sports Arena – One night, one ring, one champion!!!





Tickets for the event can be purchased at the
National Opera and Ballet MARIA BIESU. Tickets from 180 lei. The address
of the championship: athletic arena Moldova. Str. Andrew Doga 26.
OPENIG 17:00. Telephone offices of the National Opera and Ballet
Theatre: 0 22 24-51-04. Hours of operation: Tuesday to Sunday from 9:00
to 18:00 (off – Monday). Tickets for the VIP seats and parterres marked
on the scheme can be ordered by calling 079 406 906.



 FEA presents KOK WORLD GP 01.10.16





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FEA presents KOK WORLD GP 01.10.16
FEA presents KOK WORLD GP 01.10.16
FEA presents KOK WORLD GP 01.10.16
FEA presents KOK WORLD GP 01.10.16
FEA presents KOK WORLD GP 01.10.16
FEA presents KOK WORLD GP 01.10.16
FEA presents KOK WORLD GP 01.10.16
FEA presents KOK WORLD GP 01.10.16


KOK WORLD GP 2016 results.
Open Fight -71kg
Florin Lambagiu (Romania) vs Denis Teleshman (Moldova)
Winner Florin Lambagiu by judge decision ,3R , 2:40
 Super Fight – 84kg
Lukasz Lipniacki (Poland)  vs    Nicolae Caraus (Moldova)
Winner  Nicolae Caraus (Moldova) by KO ,1R, 1:13
Super Fight -51kg
Esma Hasshasss (Holland)  vs Nadejda Kantsir (Moldova)
Winner Esma Hasshasss by judge decision
Super Fight -85kg
Sercan Kalfa (Turkey)  vs Aurel Ignat (Moldova)
Winner Aurel Ignat by TKO, 2R , 2:09
Super Fight -71kg
Vjaceslav Tevish (Latvia) vs Alexandru Prepelita ( Moldova)
Winner Alexandru Prepelita by judge decision
Super Fight -77kg
Ilias Abdulaziev (Russia)  vs  Denis Apavaloae (Moldova)
Winner Denis Apavaloae by judge decision
 Super Fight -71kg
Dennis Wosik (Poland)  vs  Dorel Cristian (Moldova)
1 Semifinal fight light heavyweight
Serghei Liubcenko (Ukraine)     vs   Alexandru Burduja (Moldova)
Winner Alexandru Burduja (Moldova) by  KO, 2R, 2:40
2 Semifinal fight light heavyweight
(Turkey) Gokhan Gedik vs Danut Huduc (Romania)
Winner Danut Huduc (Romania) by judge decision EXTRA ROUND
Super Fight -85kg
Islam Hojdevdiev(Russia)  vs Daniel Alexandru (Romania)
Winner  Daniel Alexandru by KO, 3R, 2:17
Super fight -65kg
Tommy Dieckmann  vs  Stanislav Renita
Winner Stanislav Renita by  KO, 1R, 2:58
Super fight +93kg
Vladimir Tok  vs   Maxim  Bolotov
Winner  Maxim Bolotov by TKO , 2R , 0:52
Light heavyweight Final fight
Danut Hurduc (Romania) vs Alexandru Burduja (Moldova)
Winner Alexandru Burduja by decision in Extra Round